39th week of pregnancy (41 weeks)

39th week of pregnancy (41 weeks)

After nine months of pregnancy, the term is finally reached. Needless to say, mom is anxiously awaiting the start of labor. Her whole body prepares for childbirth, while the cramped baby makes her final finishing touches.

39 weeks pregnant: where is the baby?

At the end of the 9th month of pregnancy, the baby weighs 3,5 kg for 50 cm. But these are only averages: at birth, there are indeed small babies of 2,5 kg and large babies of 4 kg or more. Until birth, the baby continues to grow and gain weight, and his nails and hair continue to grow. The vernix caseosa that covered his skin so far is disappearing. 

He continues to move of course, but his movements are much less noticeable in this space that has become so tight for him. He swallows amniotic fluid, but he too gradually decreases as he nears term.

The baby’s head circumference (PC) measures an average of 9,5 cm. It is the widest part of her body but thanks to the fontanelles, her skull will be able to model itself to pass the different straits of the mother’s pelvis. His brain weighs 300 to 350 g. It will take many more years for it to continue its slow maturation and the connection of its neurons.

Where is the mother’s body at 39 weeks pregnant?

The belly often has an impressive size at term. The uterus weighs 1,2 to 1,5 kg on its own, with a capacity of 4 to 5 liters and a uterine height of about 33 cm. At the end of pregnancy, the recommended weight gain is 9 and 12 kg for a woman of normal weight before pregnancy (BMI between 19 and 24). This weight gain includes on average 5 kg of new tissue (fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid), 3 kg of tissue whose mass is increased during pregnancy (uterus, breast, extra-cellular fluid) and 4 kg of fat reserves. 

With this weight at the front of the body, all everyday gestures are delicate: walking, climbing the stairs, bending down to pick up an object or tying your laces, finding a comfortable position to sleep, getting up from the sofa, etc.

Various pains, acid reflux, hemorrhoids, sleep disorders, low back pain, sciatica, heavy legs are very common at the end of pregnancy, which sometimes makes these last days difficult for the mother-to-be, both physically and psychologically.

Contractions at the end of pregnancy and reactive ones (fatigue, effort) are increasing. How to differentiate them from those announcing the start of labor? These become regular, longer and longer and more intense. For a first baby, it is advisable to go to the maternity ward after 2 hours of regular and intense contractions, 1 hour for subsequent babies. In case of loss of water or liquid, management without waiting for the maternity ward.  

Apart from work, a few other situations require going to the maternity ward for a check-up: blood loss, absence of fetal movements for 24 hours, fever (over 38 ° C). In case of doubt or simply of concern, do not hesitate to contact the maternity ward. The teams are there to reassure future mothers. 

Exceeding the term

At 41 WA, the end of the pregnancy, the baby may still not have pointed his nose. Exceeding the term concerns about 10% of future mothers. This situation requires increased monitoring because at the end of pregnancy, the amount of amniotic fluid decreases and the placenta may begin to struggle to play its role. After 41 WA, surveillance is generally carried out every two days with a clinical examination and monitoring. If labor has still not started at 42 weeks or if the baby shows signs of fetal distress, delivery will be initiated.

Things to remember at 41:XNUMX PM

Once the baby is born, the birth declaration must be made within 5 days (day of delivery not included). The father will have to go to the town hall of the place of birth, unless the civil officer goes directly to the maternity ward. Different pieces are to be presented:

  • the birth certificate issued by the doctor or midwife;

  • the identity card of both parents;

  • the joint declaration of the choice of name, if applicable;

  • the act of early recognition, if applicable;

  • proof of address of less than 3 months in the absence of an act of recognition;

  • the family record book if the parents already have one.

  • The birth certificate is drawn up immediately by the registrar. This is a very important document, which must be sent as soon as possible to various organizations: the mutual, the crèche to confirm registration, etc.

    The declaration of birth to the Health Insurance can be done directly online, without supporting documents. It is possible to register the child on the Vitale card of both parents.


    As the term approaches, with impatience and fatigue, it is natural to be tired of hydrating your stomach daily, of massaging the perineum, of paying attention to what you eat. It’s completely understandable, but it would be a shame to let go on such a good path. It is only a matter of a few days.

    Epidural or not? It is the choice of the mother-to-be, knowing that she can always change her mind when the time comes (if the deadlines and medical conditions allow it of course). In all cases, it is important to put into practice, from the start of labor, the techniques learned during the childbirth preparation courses so as not to be overwhelmed by the pain: breathing, relaxation therapy, postures on the big ball, yoga postures, self-hypnosis, prenatal chanting. All these techniques are real aids not to remove pain, but to better apprehend it. It is also, for the mother-to-be, a way to be fully an actor of her childbirth.

    And after ? : 

    What happens during childbirth?

    The very first moments with the newborn

    Pregnancy week by week: 

    37th week of pregnancy

    38th week of pregnancy


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