30th week of pregnancy (32 weeks)

30th week of pregnancy (32 weeks)

30 weeks pregnant: where is the baby?

It’s here 30th week of pregnancy, i.e. the 7th month of pregnancy. The baby’s weight at 32 weeks is 1,5 kg and measures 37 cm. During this 7th month of gestation, he took 500 g.

During his waking periods, he still moves a lot, but he will soon run out of space to perform wide movements.

The fetus at 30 weekss swallows amniotic fluid and has fun sucking his thumb.

He evolves in a sound environment composed of the sounds of his mother’s body – heartbeat, belly gurgling, flow of blood circulation, vocalizations – and noises of the placenta – blood flow. These background noises have a sound power of 30 to 60 decibels (1). TO 32 SA the baby also perceives voices, distorted, and jumps when he hears a loud noise.

Her skin is paler due to the subcutaneous fatty tissue that has developed. This fat reserve will be used at birth as a nutrient reserve and thermal insulation.

If he were born in 30 SG, the baby would have a good chance of survival: 99% for a premature birth between 32 and 34 weeks according to the results of Epipage 2 (2). However, it would require significant care because of its immaturity, especially pulmonary.


Where is the mother’s body at 30 weeks pregnant?

At this end of 7th month of pregnancy, lumbopelvic pain, acid reflux, constipation, hemorrhoids, varicose veins are frequent ailments. All are the consequence of mechanical phenomena – the uterus which takes up more and more space, compresses the organs and changes the body’s balance – and hormones.

Weight gain often accelerates 3nd trimester of pregnancy with an average of 2 kilos per month.

Fatigue is also increasing, especially as the nights are more difficult.

Edemas in the ankles, due to water retention, are frequent especially in summer. Be careful, however, if they appear suddenly and are accompanied by sudden weight gain. It can be a sign of preeclampsia, a pregnancy complication that requires prompt treatment.

Less known as a pregnancy problem is carpal tunnel syndrome, which however affects 20% of expectant mothers, most often in 3nd quarter. This syndrome manifests itself by pain, paraesthesia, tingling in the thumb and the first two fingers of the hand which can radiate to the forearm, clumsiness in grasping an object. It is the consequence of a compression of the median nerve, nerve enclosed in the carpal tunnel and which gives its sensitivity to the thumb, index and middle finger and its mobility to the thumb. During pregnancy, this compression is due to hormone-dependent tenosynovitis of the flexor tendons. If the pain is difficult to bear and the discomfort debilitating, the installation of a splint or an infiltration of corticosteroids will bring relief to the mother-to-be.


Which foods to favor at 30 weeks of pregnancy (32 weeks)?

Ineluctably, the pregnant woman gains weight during these 9 months. Weight gain increases for the 3rd quarter. This is quite normal because the weight and size of the fetus at 32 weeks evolved. Weight gain during pregnancy varies from woman to woman and depends on her initial BMI (body mass index) and the pregnancy ailments she has. However, it is important to eat a balanced diet and avoid cracking down on it. 32nd week of amenorrhea, 30 SG. Being overweight during pregnancy is neither good for the baby nor for the mother-to-be, as it can lead to diseases like high blood pressure or diabetes. Also, these pathologies present a risk of premature delivery or by cesarean section. Even if the pregnant woman is overweight, the important thing is that she takes care of her food balance and that she brings the right nutrients to her body and to her baby, such as vitamins, iron, folic acid or omega 3. If it does not present deficiencies, this is positive for the development of the fetus. In addition, it reduces the risk of complications during childbirth. 

It is not recommended, even potentially dangerous, to follow a strict diet during pregnancy, precisely to avoid these deficits. However, a healthy diet can be established, with the advice of your doctor. It’s more of a balanced diet than a proper diet. This will help the expectant mother to control her weight and provide the right foods that meet the baby’s needs.  


Things to remember at 32:XNUMX PM

  • have the third and final pregnancy ultrasound. The purpose of this final ultrasound examination is to monitor the growth of the bbaby at 30 weeks pregnant, its vitality, its position, the amount of amniotic fluid and the correct position of the placenta. In the event of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), hypertension, maternal vascular disease or any other complication of pregnancy that may affect the growth of the baby, a Doppler of the uterine arteries, vessels of the umbilical cord and of the cerebral vessels is also carried out;
  • register for an information workshop on breastfeeding for mothers wishing to breastfeed. The advice given during the preparation for the classic childbirth is sometimes not sufficient, and good information is essential for successful breastfeeding.


In this 3nd quarter, beware of snacking. It is usually he who is the source of the extra pounds of pregnancy.

If you haven’t already, invest in a maternity pillow. This half-moon-shaped duffel is indeed very useful long before the baby is born. Placed behind the back and under the arms, it makes it possible to avoid lying down after a meal, a position favoring acid reflux. Lying on your side, one end of the cushion under the head and the other raising the leg, it relieves the weight of the uterus. It will also be very useful on the day of childbirth.

Swimming, walking, yoga and gentle gymnastics are still possible – and recommended unless there is a medical contraindication – at 30 SG. They help prevent various pregnancy ailments (back pain, heavy legs, constipation), keep the mother’s body in good health for childbirth and allow the mind to be aired.

Si the baby at 32 WA has not yet upside down, gynecologists (3) recommend adopting this position in order to give nature a boost: get on all fours, arms against the edge of a bed, relax and breathe. In this position, the baby is no longer tight against the spine and has a little more room to move – and potentially, turn around. Also test the knee-chest position: kneel on your bed, shoulders on the mattress and buttocks in the air. Or the so-called Indian position: lying on your back, place two or three pillows under the buttocks so that the hips are 15 to 20 cm higher than the shoulders (4).

Pregnancy week by week: 

28th week of pregnancy

29th week of pregnancy

31th week of pregnancy

32th week of pregnancy


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