15 beauty tips for busy moms

Beauty: the tips of working mums

1. I opt for dry shampoo when I’m in a rush

When you have to bring a child to nursery, another to school, and be at work at 9am sharp, washing your hair is just unthinkable. Adopt the dry shampoo reflex, it cleans the hair without wetting it and adds volume to the hair.

2. I apply a BB cream

Are there still women, mothers who do not use BB cream? If not, let’s get started! The BB cream combines the action of a moisturizer and a tinted cream. In a minute, you get the perfect complexion. Magical.

3. I wash my hair at night

To avoid arriving at work unkempt, with your hair still damp stuck to your forehead, remember to wash your hair at night. And, even better, if you can, space out the shampoos.

Read also: How to have beautiful hair in winter?

4. I give up brushing

Better to have nicely styled hair than a failed brushing. So, on some days, instead of trying to tame your frizz with a searing straightener, let your mane breathe in the open air. 

5. I hydrate my feet

Having dry feet is not inevitable. In the evening, get in the habit of putting cream on your feet in bed and then put on a pair of socks to sleep. Well, obviously there is more glamor.

6. I always have a perfume spray in my bag

Working mums always have a make-up bag in their handbag. As a bonus: we slip inside a small spray with its perfume.

7. I have waxed between noon and two

Waxing yourself when you are a mother of a family is an achievement. So stop trying to be a wonder woman. After homework / the bath / the children’s dinner / bedtime / the preparation of the 2nd meal / dinner for two… yes, you have other things to do than go wax your bikini line. Make an appointment with the beautician at lunchtime.

8. I always have makeup removing wipes on my bedside table.

After an evening that is a little too drunk (yes, it still happens to you), you do not have the courage to remove your makeup. Luckily, you left some makeup remover wipes on your nightstand. In less than a minute, you’re done.

9. I adopt the fixing spray

Use a makeup setting spray. A good tip to avoid having to put on make-up every two hours.

10. I follow the “Less is more” rule

“Less is more”. When it comes to makeup, we are often tempted to overdo it, especially after a short night. However, it is better to opt in these situations for a discreet and natural makeup. And in general, the older you get, the less you force the brush.

11. I sleep 8 hours a night

It is true that sleep needs vary from person to person. But for a fresh complexion and hydrated skin, there is nothing better than a good night’s sleep. Of course, it is not always easy when you have small children.

12. I offer myself a treatment in an institute

If your finances allow it, schedule a beauty treatment at least once a month or otherwise at each change of season. A good way to relax your body away from the professional and family turmoil.

13. I speed up the drying of my varnish

Since you were a mom, manicure sessions have been a distant memory. It is not so much the fact of applying varnish that is the problem but rather the drying time. To speed up this one, two options: dip your hands in a bowl of ice water for a minute or use a hair dryer. Several brands of varnish also offer drying accelerators.

14. I use my lipstick to color my cheeks

To gain speed, use your lipstick as a blush. A few touches on the top of the cheekbones then blend to the temples.

15. I dedicate one evening per month, or per week if I can, to take care of myself

And that evening, I go out the big game: manicure, exfoliation, mask, relaxing bath. In short, a spa evening at home.

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