Taking care of my breasts

Beyond the discreet curves of a cleavage, the breast is just a gland, buried in a mass of fatty tissue. Supported by ligaments and skin, it rests with all its weight on two pectoral muscles. Its shape and good hold therefore only depend on the tone of the skin, ligaments and neck muscles. And that is up to you to maintain! Taking care of your breasts daily is a gesture of beauty, comfort but above all health.

Breastfeeding and breast care

If there are cracks in the nipple, check that your baby is sucking correctly, the navel against you, the chin on the breast, to take the largest surface in the mouth. When the feed is finished, feed the areola with the last pearls of milk, spreading it over its entire surface. There are also specific creams in pharmacies. Weaning should be gradual. A sudden weaning in full flow of milk (the week following childbirth) is the worst thing to do for the aesthetics of the breasts. Then plan for a year of fitness (s): self-massage, jets of cold water, sunscreen, bodybuilding of the pecs, swimming and patience, to straighten the bust and lift the breasts… Because this kind of surgical operation is not covered by Social Security! Note: after weaning, you may feel small cysts in the breasts. They are galactoceles, in the ducts from which the milk is not completely evacuated. Do not touch them, they will disappear spontaneously within a few months.

Your breasts transformed by motherhood

It is a legitimate fear of future mothers: what impact will pregnancy have on their body? The chest undergoes the effect of gravity: drawn downwards, it collapses irreparably over time. But down with prejudices: no, breastfeeding does not damage the breasts! On the other hand, motherhood transforms them. Boosted by hormones, the breast is preparing to assume its main role: breastfeeding! The areola thickens, the breasts gain volume and the skin relaxes, sometimes revealing stretch marks. These small purplish traces are benign, but do not disappear completely after childbirth. Stretch marks appear especially on fair skin. Limit the damage by hydrating your skin and being reasonable on the extra pounds!

Choose a suitable bra

Anticipating these little inconveniences starts with wear a practical bra that is comfortable and suitable for your breasts. Nice challenge! The back goes up, the shoulder straps fall? The chest size is too big. Is your breast cut in half at the top of the cup or near the armpits, the frame sticking out? The cap is too small. A complex but essential choice, which may require the advice of a professional. Wearing it at night is not recommended. But if you feel it is necessary during pregnancy or breastfeeding, opt for a comfortable, non-wired bra that does not compress the breasts. Avoid the “push up”, it damages the tissues. When it comes to sport, always wear a specific bra whether you have large or small breasts. And to breastfeed, the opening of the cup must allow the breast to be completely free, to avoid compression that generates engorgement.

Tone your chest

To toning the bust and preventing the appearance of stretch marks, self-massage and hydration must become a natural gesture. Use a moisturizing milk or oil, being careful to choose a compatible product and not to smear the nipple if you are breastfeeding. Here are the right gestures to tone her chest: apply from the base of the chest to the collarbones, brushing the breast like a wave; right hand for the left breast and vice versa. Massage between the two breasts (the breastbone) or under the armpit, in small circles, to stimulate the lymph nodes which eliminate toxins. Then make an “eight” around your two breasts to ease the tension. Practice regularly to get to know your breasts better and monitor their development.

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