10 things to do high intensity interval workouts

One of the most effective ways of weight loss are considered high-intensity interval training. This fitness method was the basis of most training, including home. The famous Insanity program is a Prime example of the quality high-intensity interval training.

This high intensity interval training?

High-intensity interval training or HIIT (High intensity interval training) is a method of training, in which alternating periods of high and low intensity. For example, you run a sprint for 30 seconds at the maximum limit, and then recover for 60 seconds, reducing the pace to moderate. And then go back to fast tempo. This method of training is used both in power, and aerobic training. Moreover, the period of heavy load can be longer than the rest period.

HIIT favorably to the standard of training, passing at the same pace. First, you burn more calories due to the higher pulse. Secondly, your body spends extra energy to complete a powerful bursts of activity. High intensity interval training several times more efficient than conventional classes. 20 minutes HIIT, you can burn about the same calories as 1 hour of normal aerobics classes.

Most modern programs use high-intensity interval training. That is why they promise fast and high quality results. Even half an hour a day is usually enough to significantly improve their form for 2-3 months. But it is important to understand that to withstand such training can only physically fit people. So if you are starting out, it is not necessary to immediately undertake the HIIT program. We recommend you to watch: Top best workouts for beginners.

10 benefits of HIIT: high intensity interval training

1. During high intensity interval training burned several times more caloriesthan in regular cardio workouts. This is due to the high pulse and bonlonger costs energy.

2. Through HIIT you will be hard to burn fat with minimal risk of losing muscle. Unlike conventional aerobic exercises.

3. In addition, you will burn calories for 24-48 hours after the workout. Efficiency of learning is increased significantly.

4. This training helps to develop endurance, as you are not in comfort mode, and at the limit of their capabilities.

5. Most beginners throw the burden of tedium and monotony. Interval training is never boring and monotonous.

6. The body more difficult to adapt to such activities. Regular cardio exercise after 4-5 sessions no longer has the same effectiveness. With HIIT you will be able to avoid falling results.

7. You will need less time, to get the most out of the lesson. For example, in the Insanity Max 30 even half an hour is enough to achieve the goal.

8. Thanks to high intensity interval training, you improve your metabolism, reduce the risk of plateaus and stagnation in the results.

9. This type of load can be used for any activity: running, jumping, playing on the ellipsoid, stepper, stationary bike. The main thing is to monitor the performance of the pulse.

10. HIIT increases your body’s sensitivity to insulin. This will allow more efficient use of carbohydrates as an energy source instead of having to send them in fatty tissue.

As you can see, to do high-intensity interval training is much more effective for weight loss. In less amount of time you will get more quality results. Exercise programs based on HITT, and improve their body.

From simple HIIT workouts be sure to try: 10 Minute Solution with Lisa Kinder.

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