11 reasons to stop eating dairy

Milk and dairy products are not healthy foods. Here are 11 reasons to stop consuming them:

1. Cow’s milk is for calves. We are the only species (other than those we have tamed) that continues to drink milk beyond infancy. And we are definitely the only ones who drink the milk of living beings of another species.

2. Hormones. The hormones in cow’s milk are stronger than human hormones, and animals are regularly injected with steroids and other hormones to make them fat and increase milk production. These hormones can negatively affect a person’s delicate hormonal balance.

3. Most cows are fed unnatural food. Commercial cow feeds contain all sorts of ingredients that include: genetically modified corn, genetically modified soybeans, animal products, chicken manure, pesticides and antibiotics.

4. Dairy products are acid-forming. The use of excessive amounts of acid-forming foods can disrupt the acid balance of our body, as a result, bones will suffer, since the calcium contained in them will be used to combat excessive acidity in the body. Over time, bones can become brittle.

5. Studies show that countries whose citizens consume the most dairy products have the highest incidence of osteoporosis.

6. Most dairy cows live in closed stalls, in terrible conditions, never seeing pastures with green grass where they could naturally eat.

7. Most dairy products are pasteurized to kill potentially harmful bacteria. During pasteurization, vitamins, proteins and enzymes are destroyed. Enzymes are essential in the process of digestion. When they are destroyed by pasteurization, milk becomes more and more indigestible and therefore puts additional strain on our body’s enzyme systems.

8. Dairy products are mucus-forming. They can contribute to respiratory distress. Doctors note a significant improvement in the condition of allergy sufferers who exclude dairy products from their diet.

9. Research Links Dairy to Arthritis In one study, rabbits were given milk instead of water, which caused their joints to become inflamed. In another study, scientists found more than a 50% reduction in swelling associated with arthritis when participants eliminated milk and dairy products from their diet.

10. Milk, for the most part, is homogenized, that is, milk proteins are denatured, as a result, it is more difficult for the body to digest them. Many people’s immune systems overreact to these proteins as if they were “foreign invaders.” Research has also linked homogenized milk to heart disease.

11. Pesticides found in cow feed are concentrated in the milk and dairy products we consume.



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