Your childbirth questions

The departure for motherhood

When do we know when to go to the maternity ward?

Olilodi – 83 200 Toulon

It’s not always easy to know when to go to the maternity ward! In general, it is about time when you feel, for 2 hours, regular and painful contractions every 5 min. A word of advice: have yourself taken to the maternity ward (do not try to play the “super woman” by taking your car alone!). Otherwise call an ambulance rather than a taxi, which does not have to accept you …

English childbirth

I’ve heard that an English birth is easier. It’s true ?

Nonoled – 76 000 Rouen

Well yes ! Giving birth in the English way, that is to say on the side, respects more the physiology of the woman. Bone constraints are less, thus facilitating the exit of Baby, without even often having to touch his head. Only “problem”: the medical staff are not really used to practicing this method of childbirth.

Tattoo and epidural

I have a large 10cm tattoo on the lower back. Is this a problem for the epidural?

Kristinna – 92 170 Vanves

Indeed, as a general rule, when they apply the epidural, the anesthetists do not sting in the tattoo. Pigment particles can pass to the puncture site, which is not recommended. Also note: many young women think that in this place the tattoo is less likely to be deformed during pregnancy. But it’s not won! To limit the damage, don’t forget to “spread” your skin with a good moisturizer!

Giving birth to twins

This is my first pregnancy and I am expecting twins. Will I have to give birth by Caesarean?

Benhelene – 44 Nantes

No, pregnant with twins, you are not necessarily entitled to a cesarean section! It mainly depends on the position of the first baby. If he’s upside down, you still have every chance of giving birth naturally! A decision that also falls within the establishment’s policy …

Delivery of the placenta

Are bleeding frequent when the placenta is delivered? ?

Ada92 – 92300 Levallois-Perret

A hemorrhage can occur at the time of the delivery of the placenta, when the uterus, too tired, does not contract any more, or in the event of twin pregnancy, of big baby… But do not worry, the medical team is there!

Drink during childbirth

Will I be allowed to drink during childbirth?

AdelRose – 75004 Paris

The question is controversial today but, as a general rule, expectant mothers are not allowed to drink during childbirth. Nor to eat elsewhere! And this, as a simple precautionary measure. Imagine that anesthesia is necessary, you have to be on an empty stomach to be able to benefit from it. If you are afraid of being dehydrated, no risk! The infusion is there (also) for that. And then, midwives often allow the use of a mist. A few “shits” in the mouth and the thirst disappears!

The duration of the epidural

How long can an epidural work?

Elisa – 15 Auriac

The epidural can last as long as you want! Whatever the duration of labor and delivery, you will be able to benefit from the effects of the epidural until the baby is born. And this, thanks to a continuous distribution of the anesthetic product.

The return of diapers

What exactly is the return of diapers?

Macora – 62 300 Lens

The return of diapers is quite simply the return of periods and therefore cycles. It usually appears 6 to 8 weeks after giving birth, or longer if you are breast-feeding. And don’t be fooled if your period is very heavy, it’s completely normal. For info: know thatit is possible to get pregnant again before the return of diapers !

Delivery position

Can you choose your birthing position?

Val14eme, 75014 Paris

It all depends on the place of birth, some allow the mother to choose her birthing position, others not. Better to inquire when choosing maternity and talk about it before, when preparing for childbirth.

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