World Milk Day

“Drink, children, milk, you will be healthy!” – this phrase fully refers to – the date when the whole world celebrates not only, but also World Milk Day (World Day)

This holiday was first celebrated in 2001 at the suggestion of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Since then, the tradition has become widespread in many countries of the world.

The purpose of the holiday is to popularize milk and dairy products among people, as well as inform the population about activities related to milk and dairy production.

and, a milkshake and cottage cheese dishes – milk is an indispensable ingredient in many healthy and tasty recipes.


Why is World Milk Day celebrated on June 1st? The fact is that in some countries that supported the good idea of ​​the UN, there was already a tradition of celebrating the national Milk Day. By coincidence, in almost all countries this holiday fell on June 1 or days close to this date. Therefore, it was decided to set an official milk day on the first day of summer.

By 2008, 40 different countries around the world took part in the celebration of Milk Day at the same time, in most of them the holiday was celebrated on a rather large scale and enchanting. For example, in Argentina, a farmers’ association organized a major campaign to promote milk consumption under the motto “A country where milk and honey flow like a river.” In Germany, a national holiday was held under the slogan “Faster, Stronger, Smarter. All this is thanks to milk! ”, Which was supported by 11 federal states. In Norway, the National Dairy Council ran an Internet competition for the best story about milk, the author of which received a cash prize.

Russian holiday also did not pass by. In the same 2008, the Tetra Pak company together with the ALL group of companies organized the celebration of the World Milk Day in the Rostov Region, timed to coincide with the Children’s Day. The celebration, which was attended by about 500 children together with their parents, was held in the central park of the city. On this day, there was a free distribution of milk, as well as various performances on a milk theme with fairy-tale characters, games and sports competitions.

By the way, despite the “worldwide” status of the holiday, some countries have decided to celebrate their own, separate, Milk Day. For example, in Australia it falls on, in Finland – on, in Malaysia – on.

And a close “relative” of milk – condensed milk – appeared thanks to the diligence of an American who spent more than one year developing a technology for long-term storage of milk.

Make a dairy meal today (unless, of course, you have health restrictions on dairy products). For example, according to a proven recipe. It is very good to season it with sour cream, because this is also a dairy product!

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