Healthy Eating and Avoiding Eating Day

Healthy Eating and Avoiding Eating Day was first celebrated in 2011 as an alternative Russian answer to the American “day of gluttony” -.

The holiday reminds us that daily nutrition requires attention and awareness. The phrase “We are what we eat” has already become commonplace. But it captures the essence.

According to the Institute of Nutrition, in Russia 60% of women and half of men over 30 are overweight. Overweight and obesity are triggering risk factors for cardiovascular and oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus, breast and prostate tumors. It all starts with inattention to the diet, overeating and an unbalanced menu.


Be attentive to yourself and your diet!

People sometimes eat not because they are hungry, but because they are not satisfied with life, they cannot find a better way to calm themselves in a stressful situation. Food serves to provide not a physiological, but an emotional need: for love, security, acceptance, emotional satisfaction.

You want to get rid of those extra pounds quickly and effortlessly. Charlatans and businessmen profit from this. Belief in magic pills and drinks, in quick and easy getting rid of the excess weight acquired over the years sometimes leads to irreparable harm to health, and often just to the loss of money thrown into the wind …

Healthy Eating and Avoiding Eating Day is intended to remind you that people are responsible for what they feed their bodies with… May this day be more reliable and useful information about which food habits are for the benefit of health and beauty, and which are harmful and dangerous; how to properly build your diet so that it is tasty, balanced and does not lead to excess weight.

Proper nutrition is a whole science

Some give up without starting, the second get confused in incomprehensible calories and BJU, others begin to delve into, but without a system it does not work out very well.

The recent trend in dietetics is a low-carb diet with enough healthy fats: the keto diet and LCHF (Low Carb High Fat). The system is based on eating less sugar and starch, with a preference for whole foods rich in fat, protein and fiber.

Such nutrition works wonders: it allows you to lose excess weight without hunger, radically improve your well-being, and promotes health improvement.

Want to learn more and taste keto-style food? We invite you to subscribe to our weekly free newsletter with proven keto and LCHF recipes.

Good luck to everyone on the way of harmony and health! And see you on the same day next year – with improved health, a slimmer body, wonderful and vigorous health!

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