Workout program for super arm growth!

Combine biceps and triceps exercises for more muscle growth stimuli. These 4 supersets will raise your pumping bar to new heights!

Author: Bill Geiger

In short, supersets rule. By doing one exercise after the other for one muscle group or muscle of the antagonists, you increase the energy expenditure in the workout and shorten its duration. And their benefits are not limited to this.

Numerous studies have shown that this technique increases the accumulation of elastic energy in non-working antagonist muscles. In other words, while you are doing biceps curls, the energy is accumulated in the triceps, and during the press on the upper block, in the biceps. Releasing stored energy allows you to generate more effort. In a sense, in a given exercise, you get stronger.

The beauty of the three suggested supersets – and one tri-set to start – is that each uses only one type of equipment. This will allow you to get all the work done in less time. It also provides for a gradual decrease in intensity: you start training with weights, because you are still full of strength, and gradually reduce the weight as fatigue accumulates. We have indicated the number of repetitions and approaches, but feel free to experiment and press the gas pedal, adding techniques to supersets, such as or even a set from in the last approach of each exercise.


Triset (60 seconds rest at the end of each round):

Workout program for super arm growth!

3 approach to 6 repetitions

Workout program for super arm growth!

3 approach to 6 repetitions

Workout program for super arm growth!

3 approach to Max. repetitions

Superset (60 seconds rest at the end of each round):

Workout program for super arm growth!

3 approach to 8 repetitions

Workout program for super arm growth!

3 approach to 8 repetitions

Superset (60 seconds rest at the end of each round):

Workout program for super arm growth!

3 approach to 10 repetitions

Workout program for super arm growth!

3 approach to 10 repetitions

Superset (30 seconds rest at the end of each round):

Workout program for super arm growth!

3 approach to 12 repetitions

Workout program for super arm growth!

You can use a lower block instead of a dumbbell

3 approach to 12 repetitions


  • Warm-up sets are not included in the workout. Do as many warm-up sets as you see fit, but never push them to muscle failure.

  • Choose a working weight that will allow you to achieve failure within the intended rep range. In the following approaches, change the weight as needed.

  • Change the order of your supersets constantly. In one workout, start with biceps movements, in the next, put the triceps exercise first.

Key training tips


These exercises are your best muscle builders, which is why you’ll be the first to do them. Take a heavier barbell and reduce the number of repetitions in the set to 6; this will allow you to achieve rejection in a smaller range, which is beneficial for developing strength skills. Load the barbell – or the EZ bar if you like it – and sit on a horizontal bench so no one gets in the way.

Standing biceps curls. A shoulder-width grip is the most comfortable for most and works best on the long (outer) head of the bicep. But if you want to really load the short (inner) head, grasp it with a wide grip. Either way, do the curls cleanly!

Workout program for super arm growth!

Standing biceps curls

French press with an EZ bar. When you’re done with the bends, place the barbell at the end of the bench. In this movement, try to keep your shoulders perpendicular to the floor to isolate the triceps as much as possible. This is not a pullover!

Bench press with a narrow grip. It is now possible to execute and connect auxiliary muscle groups that will help the tired triceps. Don’t stop at a certain number of reps, work to failure.

Superset 1

Instead of doing a French press on a low-back bench, drag the dumbbells over to Scott’s bench and do the exercise with your back to the palm rest. The working weight should already be less than in the first exercise.

EZ Barbell Curls for Biceps on Scott Bench. Since the upper arm is in front of the torso plane, you will notice that the exercise works better with the short head. Make sure your hands are parallel to each other on the bench. Keep your elbows on the stand. Use an EZ bar to reduce stress on your wrist joints.

Workout program for super arm growth!

Scott Bench EZ Barbell Curl

Seated French overhead dumbbell press. Exercises in which the arm is above the head are good for working out the ever-lagging long head of the triceps. This is why it is helpful to include at least one movement from behind the head in your triceps training program.

Superset 2

Attach rope handles to the crossover blocks. Use the lower block for curls for biceps, the upper block for pressing on the upper block for triceps. Again, to gain strength, reduce the working weight a little more than when you started the workout.

Crossover biceps curls. Use a neutral grip for this exercise to work the shoulder muscle and increase the girth of the arm. It also works for the shoulder-radius muscle, which is located in the upper part of the forearm near the elbow joint.

Triceps extensions on the upper block. If you press your elbows to your sides and turn them into fixed levers, you can fully focus on the lateral head of the triceps.

Superset 3

At the end of the workout, your main task is the finishing spurt with a deep burning sensation and muscle pumping. We’ll use the lightest working weight here, so force yourself to do one or a couple of unplanned reps.

Do both exercises with one hand to concentrate as much as possible on one single muscle. This selective focus will help improve the connection between the brain and muscles and provide deeper pumping. Since the muscles are already resting as you switch from one arm to the other, reduce the interval between supersets to 30 seconds.

Bending the arm for biceps on the lower block while standing. Perform these bends in a position that is most comfortable for you: standing with your face, your back, or at any angle to the weight stack. Use your free hand for self-help to finish off a couple of extra reps if you want to increase this pleasant pain a little!

Workout program for super arm growth!

Curling the arm for biceps on the lower block while standing

Crossover Triceps Extension. Instead of dumbbells, grab the rubber ball on the cable handle. Make sure your elbows remain still for each rep. If you constantly raise and lower them, you turn great into multi-joint, and thereby deprive the triceps of the legal right to a good workout.

How to change the intensity of your workout

The volume and intensity of the training offered is designed for more experienced athletes, but you can adjust the load according to your capabilities.

  • Beginners. Perform only triset and first superset. Add 2 reps to each set for all exercises. That is, do 8 repetitions in each triset approach, and 10 in the superset. But work with a heavy apparatus to achieve muscle failure as intended!

  • Average level. Remove the last superset. Don’t worry, the rest will still provide you with everything you need for muscle growth!

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