Intensive Breast Program

Primary goal: muscle building

A type: for one muscle group

Preparation level: average

Number of workouts per week: 1

Necessary equipment: dumbbells, barbell

Audience: men and women

So that you won’t be ashamed to undress on the beach or in the pool, attack your pectoral muscles in all directions and use drop sets combined into an ultra-intense workout for your chest!

Training Description

Take your chest workout to the next level! No one denies that the bench press with a large tonnage is the king of mass-building in the chest, but by adding new options for the vector of strength, hand position and technique, we can work more efficiently and achieve more impressive results.

A smart workout plan that targets muscle is a great starting point.

Doing your best in the gym, finishing extra reps and crushing muscles, you will definitely get the results you want! Our goal is to maximize this result and raise the productivity of the training to the next level, and for this we need not only to puff under the bar, but also to think with our heads. Connect these techniques to take your chest workouts and results into a new orbit.

1. Start with weights! Add a drop set

You have to start with the hard one. The exercise involves the shoulder and elbow joints at the same time, and this is one of the reasons why bench presses are better for building mass than single-joint information. You can lift significantly more tonnage.

Don’t forget to warm up. A good option is some rotator cuff exercises, and then a couple of easy approaches to the bench press. Some people prefer to lift dumbbells, others – a barbell. If you’ve always started with a barbell, switch to dumbbells for a change, and vice versa. With dumbbells, you will achieve a slightly better muscle contraction, and master the maximum working weight in the barbell press.

However, multi-joint presses are ideal candidates for muscle hypertrophy and muscle engagement. They allow us to move an outrageous load across the entire range of motion, working out the target muscle to the maximum.

In general, the ideal rep range for muscle development is 8-12 reps, but on the first set of training (after a couple of warm-up exercises) take more weight, do 6 reps and shock the muscles with increased stress. Do 3 hard work sets of 6-8 reps.

On the fourth approach, do; Reduce weight noticeably and make your muscles burn by focusing on contracting and squeezing the pectorals. In the last couple of reps, you can even take a 5-second pause to hold at the top point, and for greater effect, lower the load as slowly as possible. It should be noted that with this type of training, the help of the belayer is very useful!

2. Add an upward slope

Intensive Breast Program

Build Powerful Chest with Incline Dumbbell Press

It’s time to target the ever-lagging upper chest, and incline presses are best for that. Use the same pattern as in the previous exercise, but now the heavy sets of 6-8 reps are rounded out by the fifth drop set.

One of the important points is the degree of inclination of the bench. We don’t want the bench press to stress the deltoids, we want a slight incline that will load the upper pectorals without unnecessarily overloading the delts.

Take your exercise to the next level. Do 2 sets at about 30 degrees, 2 more at 15 degrees, and then do the finishing jerk with a drop set focusing on contracting and squeezing the muscles. Recruit muscle fibers in full and get incredible results!

3. Go to the downward slope

Next in line is the Negative Incline Bench Press, another awesome exercise for full chest development! If you did the first two exercises with dumbbells, you should switch to the barbell, move to the Smith machine, or even the Hammer Strength machine. In some cases, it is better to work in simulators, especially after a few exercises against the background of accumulated fatigue. In machines, you can concentrate entirely on the bench press. And they’re especially good for burnout sets if you don’t have a reliable spotter.

In the simulator, you can slightly change the vector of movement by adjusting the seat and the position of the handles. As a rule, we can generate maximum force with the arms at the level of the lower chest. Start with two sets in this position, then change the angle of the bench and press from a higher point in the mid / lower chest area.

4. Isolation exercise time

One of the best for breasts is hand-to-hand convergence. We have the opportunity to choose from several options: you can do it in a cable trainer or with dumbbells. I would not say that one option is better than the other, it all depends on personal preference.

I like mixing on a block or with dumbbells more, since there are no restrictions on amplitude and trajectory in it. You can keep your arms and shoulders in the most comfortable position throughout your range of motion. Try 4 sets of 8-12 reps. In them, we try to fully focus on squeezing and contracting the pectoral muscles by isolating them.

If you are using a cable simulator, you can safely change the motion vector in this exercise. While standing or lying on a bench, follow the approach with your arms toward the center of your chest. Then take an approach with a slight downward shift of the vector, and another, pointing the vector up. Remember to keep your arms straight (elbows are only slightly bent), make your pectoral muscles work! Don’t let fatigue spoil your technique and turn the exercise into another bench press.

5. Final touches

Intensive Breast Program

Most powerlifters would be happy and call it a great chest workout. But our goal is to go to the next level, to boost muscle growth, to truly crush already tired muscles and make them adapt to new realities. We want muscles to become stronger, more massive and tighter as a result of recovery.

The turn of the exercise has come, with which over the years of training we have developed a relationship on the verge of love and hate -. A great option for developing the pectoral muscles and an even better exercise for working to the brink of failure. Once you’ve finished all the heavy lifts, push-ups will seem simple.

In the final exercise, do 3 sets to failure. (Rest 60 seconds between sets). To add variety, change the vector by swapping your hands on each set.

Intensive pectoral workout program

Final set – 20 reps drop set:

Intensive Breast Program

4 approach to 6, 8, 8, 20 repetitions

Final set – 20 reps drop set:

Intensive Breast Program

5 approaches to 6, 8, 8, 8, 20 repetitions

Intensive Breast Program

4 approach to 10 repetitions

Intensive Breast Program

4 approach to 10 repetitions

Intensive Breast Program

3 approach to Max. repetitions

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