Why do doves dream
The dove is called the bird of peace. And what does the interpretation of dreams about pigeons say – will they bring peace to life or problems? We will find out together with our dream book

Why dream of pigeons according to Miller’s dream book

Pigeons, especially cooing ones, speak of peace and comfort in the family. It is possible that in the near future it will become larger – you or someone from your family will have children or someone will marry. But if the bird cries loudly alone, then get ready for problems (a similar interpretation of a dream about a dead dove).

Flying birds symbolize news from a dear person who lives far away. And also, if any misunderstanding occurs in the near future, do not attach importance to it.

A dream in which you yourself or another person hunted pigeons indicates your cruelty. Business relationships can suffer from it. It is also a dream warning: avoid base entertainment.

Vanga’s dream book: pigeons

The clairvoyant called doves a symbol of spiritual purity and connection with God. Therefore, it is good when a dreaming bird knocks on the window (it is only in reality that such an event is considered a bad omen). The person who fed the pigeons in a dream is distinguished by pure thoughts, friendliness and openness.

A bird circling above your head symbolizes the onset of inner harmony and the beginning of a new period in life, while a bird locked in a cage indicates that you are a prisoner of weaknesses and interfere with your own happiness.

A wounded or dead bird is a harbinger of various problems. Even more serious difficulties in all areas of life (at work, in personal relationships, with health) are promised by a dream in which you sold pigeons. But buying them is a good sign, no matter what business you have in mind now, it is quickly implemented thanks to your ability to find an approach to any person.

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Pigeons: Islamic dream book

The dove is often associated with the woman he loves. If a bird flies into the yard or into the house, and a bachelor lives in it, he will soon be married to a beautiful, kind and caring girl (a similar interpretation of the dream about the dove you caught).

Hearing the cooing of doves – to the appearance in life in one role or another of an educated, pious and devout woman.

Did you feed a pigeon in a dream? You will be asked to become a mentor and teacher for some woman.

It is bad if the bird flies away and does not return: this is a symbol of the spiritual or even physical loss of the spouse.

The only interpretation of dreams about a dove that is not related to the opposite sex concerns those who find themselves in a difficult life situation or are looking for one of their relatives – good news awaits you.

Interpretation of dreams about pigeons according to Freud’s dream book

In any context, such a dream symbolizes the current difficult love situation. The person you are physically attracted to has extremely platonic feelings for you. She is satisfied with everything and she is not going to change anything (at least in the near future). There are two options for the development of events: be patient and wait, or start acting more aggressively, but at the risk of ruining communication. Time will tell which one of you was right.

Why do pigeons dream according to Loff’s dream book

Since ancient times, people have been ambivalent about birds. They were considered harbingers of troubles, but at the same time they admired the ability to fly and certain qualities (“wise as an owl”, “sharp as a falcon”). How to understand a dream about pigeons?

For interpretation, it is important to consider what the bird means to you personally. Maybe the pigeons cooing early in the morning annoy you, or do you like to feed them, walking along the beautiful city square? Think about which of your friends is associated with these birds? Sometimes this is obvious: for example, a dove has a human head, or you are clearly aware of who is hiding behind this image. Perhaps you will feel who they are talking about or remember a situation related to some person and birds.

If you talked to pigeons (it doesn’t matter if they answered you or not), this is a direct indication of a lack of attention, an inability to keep up a conversation, or other problems in communication.

Pigeons: dream book of Nostradamus

Basically, the seer connects birds with global events. A huge dove symbolizes a meteorite that can wipe out several settlements from the face of the earth in the future, and a small dove symbolizes a world without wars, hunger and poverty.

A bird without a voice predicts drought throughout the planet; without wings – big problems in Australia (the coat of arms of this particular country depicts a “wingless bird” – an emu).

If the dove made terrible sounds, then for a sleeping person this may mean difficult work under the supervision of an evil leader.

The iron bird promises the creation of a unique aircraft. It’s bad if she sits on the ground – this is an accident in the aviation industry.

Beautiful pigeons of a rare breed indicate that you are living in the past, but you need to focus on the present and make plans for the future – this is the only way to avoid the coming disaster.

Pigeons: Tsvetkov’s dream book

Scientist Yevgeny Tsvetkov is one of the few interpreters of dreams who considers doves to be an exclusively negative symbol that predicts illness. If a bird pecked at you, get ready for losses, they can happen in any area.

Esoteric dream book: interpretation of dreams about pigeons

Esotericists advise paying attention to the color of plumage. White doves promise the fulfillment of the plan, and gray doves dream of letters and news.

Why doves dream about Hasse’s dream book

The medium analyzes a variety of situations related to pigeons. Birds sitting on the roof – to the good news; in flight – to joyful events; kissing – to romantic adventures. Pigeons pecking at something indicate that your family will have cause for concern. Did you feed the pigeons? Do a good deed. But if you kill a bird, your relationship with a loved one will crack and may even collapse.

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