Scientists have proven the positive effect of vegetarianism on human blood pressure

Scientists have proven the effect of vegetarianism on the level of human blood pressure. This was reported on February 24 by The Los Angeles Times.

According to the researchers, avoiding meat allows you to better control your blood pressure and prevent hypertension. In total, scientists analyzed the data of more than 21 thousand people. 311 of them have passed special clinical tests.

Which plant foods have the most impact on blood pressure levels, the scientists did not specify. In general, according to the published study, vegetarianism helps the body keep weight under control, through this it has a positive effect on blood pressure.

According to scientists, vegetarianism in general can replace many drugs used in the treatment of hypertension. High blood pressure is one of the most common health problems in the world. In the US, for example, nearly one in three people suffer from hypertension.


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