When pike starts pecking

When a pike begins to peck, anglers with experience know for sure, they are guided by many indicators, the main of which is the weather. Tips from seasoned ones will help a beginner with a catch, but not everyone wants to reveal the secrets of a successful catch. When the predator will react to the proposed baits and how it will be possible to seduce her, we suggest that we find out together.

Features of biting pike

The pike fishing season never ends, experienced anglers know this. The toothy predator is always caught, but there are periods of calm. A feature of this fish dweller is that, unlike other representatives of the fish fauna, it does not fall into suspended animation in winter. Under the ice, it continues to move and feed with varying degrees of activity throughout the entire freezing season.

There are five particularly active moments when the pike bites perfectly, each of which has its own characteristics. They are scattered throughout all seasons, so that throughout the calendar year you can easily catch a trophy specimen. Active biting pike will:

  • during the pre-spawning period;
  • 7-10 days after spawning;
  • in early autumn immediately after a cold snap;
  • by first ice;
  • in the wilderness during the thaw.

There are bursts of activity of the predator in the summer, when the water cools down a little after the heat, and the pressure stays at the same level for several days. This is not long and is usually referred to as the threshold of the autumn zhor.

The subtleties of fishing by season

The best time to catch pike was found out. Now it is worth analyzing in more detail each of the periods of active biting, finding out the intricacies of collecting gear and picking up baits.


This season for pike fishing is very busy, there are two periods of active biting at once. In addition, spawning takes place at the same time, which means that most water bodies will be banned.

When is the best time to fish for pike in spring? In which month will the bite be the best? It all depends more on weather conditions, it is these indicators that will become key in fishing fees.

Depending on what spring is in a particular region, and the period of active biting comes at different times. It is best to consider this according to the table with weather conditions:

weatherpike activity
thawit will be great to catch just before the ice crossing
overcast weatherin open water during this period, the pike will not take at all, cold water will again drive it to a depth
sunny daysthe predator will be active in the shallows, where the water warms up quickly enough

This period is referred to as the pre-spawning zhor, it can take place both in open water and even with ice. The predator will grab everything, and her caution will simply evaporate. During this period, when fishing from ice, winter fishing rods with a fishing line with a diameter of 0,22-0,25 mm are used, but baits can be different:

  • balancers;
  • vertical spinners;
  • twister on a jig head;
  • small oscillators;
  • nerve.

It is advisable to choose acid colors of baits, the water under the ice during this period is cloudy, and a bright color will surely attract the attention of a predator.

Pre-spawning zhor usually takes place in early March in the middle lane, in the northern regions it mixes at the end of the month.

When pike starts pecking

This is followed by spawning, during this period it is better to refuse fishing altogether and wait for the moment when it will be possible to catch pike in accordance with all laws.

About a week after spawning, the pike returns to normal and begins to fill its empty stomach. This period is called post-spawning zhor, it begins around April and lasts 10-14 days.

It already passes through open water, here the spinners feel like real heroes. The use of small turntables and wobblers will definitely bring success, but the colors are chosen based on the transparency of the water:

  • for cloudy, acidists are taken;
  • transparent will require natural colors.

It is imperative to use a leash, during this period a fluorocarbon leash will be an excellent option.

Forms are used from 2,4 m, since fishing is carried out only from the coastline, boats cannot be launched into the water during this period. Test figures are usually up to 18 g, and for the base it is better to use a cord, and not a monk.

In the spring, during the period of post-spawning zhora, worthy variants of a predator often turn out to be on the hook, sometimes even more than 3 kg in weight.


During this period, the pike bite weakly, the peak of activity sometimes occurs when the temperature regime of air and water decreases, respectively. They fish with spinning blanks from a boat and from the shore, so the blank can be of different lengths. Casting figures are about the same, a 5-20 test is perfect. Of the baits, it is worth giving preference to silicone and wobblers; medium-sized oscillating baubles will also work well.


The season is considered the most successful for beginners, pike bite in Shirokoye and other reservoirs of the middle zone will be just excellent. To catch a trophy pike you will need:

  • spinning blank for fishing from the coastline 2,4 m long, from a boat 2,1 m is enough;
  • the test indicators of the form will differ from the spring options, 10-30 or 15-40 will be the most optimal
  • a braided cord with a diameter of 0,18-0,25 mm is used as the basis;
  • leashes are chosen stronger, steel, string, tungsten, titanium, kevlar will help not to miss the trophy;
  • accessories must be of high quality, swivels and fasteners only from trusted manufacturers;
  • different baits are used, they will be united by a large size and more weight.

To catch pike during the autumn zhor use:

  • wobblers from 90 mm long;
  • large shakers from 15 g in weight;
  • spinners No. 4 and more;
  • silicone on jig head 3 inches or more.

Acoustic baits will work great, namely skimmers and tandem turntables.

In the autumn period, such a fishing method as trolling is especially distinguished. Its essence lies in the use of a boat with a motor, followed by a decent-sized wobbler. For this type of capture, stronger tackle is used:

  • a blank of small length up to 1,8 m with test values ​​of 20 g or more;
  • spinning reel with a spool of 4000 or more;
  • the cord must be strong, withstand 15 kg at least.

Wobblers act as baits, their size starts from 110 mm, and the depth depends on the depths of the reservoir.


Ice fishing is interesting in its own way, lovers of this type of capture often find themselves with trophies. But there are many dangers here, you can fall through the ice or find yourself in a powdered polynya, so caution must be exercised.

In winter, pike will peck actively more than once, and these moments will be distant from each other:

  • the best time to catch a predator is the first ice, during this period the pike has not yet gone to wintering pits, but is located on relative shallows. You can attract her attention with different baits, the best option would be a vertical lure. You can use both special winter and castmasters, which are universal.
  • In the dead of winter, when for several days the pressure is at the same level, and the frost has given way to the rights of a thaw, you should definitely go to the reservoir. It is these weather conditions that will contribute to the capture of a toothy inhabitant of the reservoir. They use various baits for this, including balancers and sheer spinners.

In order not to miss the trophy during this period, you must first collect everything you need. Experienced anglers recommend always having with you:

  • quality fishing rods with strong fishing line;
  • a hook that will help you get a trophy from under the ice if necessary;
  • spare lures.

It is advisable to have one fishing rod in reserve, because fishing cases are different.

When pike bites are best known now, everyone can choose the most suitable period for themselves and try to get their trophy. Having collected the right tackle and picked up the bait, this will be easy to do, but then success depends only on the angler himself.

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