Mothless mormyshkas: features of use in summer and winter

Mormyshkas are known not only to fans of catching fish from the ice, many anglers use this type of bait in the summer. The revolver is one of the more difficult mormyshkas to use, but this is only at first glance. After mastering all the intricacies of the game, most no longer return to options with animal or plant replanting.

What is a reckless

A bait is called a bait, with the help of which they catch fish without additional planting of either vegetable or animal baits. The bait is given a special game, in which the attention of the fish is attracted without additional goodies.

Initially, mormyshkas were invented for catching fish in the winter without additional nozzles.

The revolver is distinguished from other types of mormyshka by its location relative to the fishing line after attachment. Her hook is located at an angle and vertically, for the rest of the baits it turns out strictly horizontally.

You can catch without a nozzle with almost any mormyshka, but you won’t be able to do it right away. It is advisable to initially try your hand at fishing with specially designed revolvers, master all the intricacies of the game, and only then experiment with the rest of the baits from the existing arsenal.

Advantages and disadvantages of no-baits

The revolver as a bait for catching fish has, like others, its disadvantages and advantages. The main disadvantage is the ability to present the bait to the fish, not everyone can do it. Sometimes even experienced anglers can’t master the correct game of the reel for a long time.

Much more benefits:

  • with the right feed, it is always catchy;
  • does not require additional replanting of plant or animal origin;
  • increases the speed of the capture;
  • suitable for both peaceful fish and predators.

Novice anglers are often distrustful of this lure, more experienced anglers are happy to catch it with revolvers, and then other mormyshkas adapt to this method of catching.

Who can be caught with such mormyshkas

If served correctly, a revolver will attract the attention of peaceful fish and small predators. In most cases, the shape of the bait is very similar to the larvae and insects, which are a favorite delicacy for these fish inhabitants.

From ice on a revolver they catch:

  • perch;
  • roach;
  • lentils;
  • rattan.

In open water, crucian carp, carp, ide, chub, asp will definitely pay attention to such a bait.

Tackle for fishing with a revolver

Fishing can be carried out not only from the ice, in open water with properly assembled tackle, fishing is no less effective.

Ice fishing rods

For fishing with a revolver, all winter fishing rods that are used for fishing with a regular mormyshka are suitable. It is better to give preference to medium-sized options, while they should not be very light, but excessive heaviness in the hand is useless.

It is necessary to regulate the game with a nod, so when choosing it for winter fishing, you should pay special attention. It is best to use lavsan, while picking it up under a certain mormyshka. The length should be at least 8 cm, and the nod itself should be sharpened into a cone.

Choosing a fishing rod for fishing with a revolver in the summer

This lure is best fished from a boat in open water. To do this, use rods 3-4 meters long with a snap for a side nod. When catching from the shore, you will need a longer rod, it is best to use a 6-meter stick.

What are baits made from?

Mormyshkas of any type are made from different materials, most often it is tungsten and lead, but there are also silver models. The most common are the first two options, we will learn more about them now.


Products made from such material are more expensive, but this is their only significant drawback. In all other respects, tungsten have a number of advantages over lead:

  • a higher density of the material allows the production of a compact-shaped winder;
  • due to a decent weight with a small size, the tungsten product will sink to the bottom faster;
  • high sinking speed allows you to play more dynamically, which attracts more fish;
  • tungsten products are equipped with better hooks, which increases the number of serifs when biting.

In addition, experienced anglers recommend using reelless reels made of such material in currents and great depths; practice has shown that they are more catchy in these places than lead.


Mormyshkas, in particular, rewinders made of lead are easier to manufacture, their cost is several times lower than tungsten ones. But this is not the main thing, for some types of fish, it is ordinary lead that will become more attractive than tungsten. It is to such products that crucian carp responds better both in winter from ice and in open water in spring.

It is the low cost and the possibility of self-production that allows lead products to be popular among both experienced anglers and beginners.

Mormyshka color

The color scheme does not always play a role, when fishing in shallow water this factor is very important, but for deep water the color practically does not play any role.

The most catchy mothless in shallow water are:

mormyshka colorfor which fish
acid stripedperch
silver and goldroach, carp
coppersmall size carp

TOP 7 best baits

It is difficult for beginners to decide which baits to choose in their arsenal. Even experienced anglers who prefer to fish with lined jigs will not always be able to choose the most effective lures of this type. The rating, which was compiled according to the reviews of the majority of experienced fishermen on a revolver, can help with this.


This revolver is universal, its ball-shaped body attracts almost all types of fish that are caught both in summer and in winter. The most attractive shot for perch and roach.

A drop

The second most popular is the revolver with a teardrop-shaped body. This mormyshka is distinguished by its versatility in use, it is attractive to almost all types of fish in any reservoir.


A mothless with this name has a teardrop-shaped elongated body with a slight bend. It attracts different types of fish, roach, crucian carp, perch react perfectly to it.


This type of rewinder is similar in shape to the Uralka, but the double hook will distinguish it, this is a feature.


This jig has a body consisting of several segments, most often from 2 to 4 on one product. The name comes from the external similarity with the insect of the same name.


This mormyshka enjoyed great popularity several decades ago. It should be carried out with a wide amplitude, but slow movements. In terms of catchability, this mormyshka is inferior to those described above, but with a bad bite it can make a splash.


The three-hooked revolver is very attractive to perch and bream. It is from devils that garlands are often made for catching large individuals under the ice.

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