What you need to know about a raw food diet?

A raw food diet is not a trendy diet for those looking to lose weight. This is a whole food system, lifestyle, philosophy and attitude to food. The uninitiated in a raw food diet immediately think that this is just a refusal to meat. In fact, raw foodists have much more principles.

Only raw foods

The basic principle of a raw food diet is not just the absence of meat in the diet, but the rejection of thermally processed foods. Before the appearance of fire, our ancestors ate exclusively raw foods that they could get on their own, food was better absorbed and was full of vitamins and microelements.

Lack of meat

A raw food diet is one of the strict forms of vegetarianism, so meat is completely excluded from the diet, like all animal products – eggs, milk, dairy products. Vegetable food, according to raw foodists, is able to provide all the necessary vitamins and minerals that the human body needs.

Another important rule of raw food diet is not to mix proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the same meal, as they require completely different enzymes to digest them.

No foodborne pathogens

Any artificial taste – alcohol, coffee, sugar, salt – is completely prohibited. These substances are able to excite the body and stimulate appetite. Sugar is replaced with fruits, salt – with seasonings or ground dry seaweed, and any decoctions and herbal infusions are allowed as drinks.


The main diet of a raw foodist is fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, nuts and seeds, cereals and legumes, as well as dried fruits, fresh juices and smoothies. For the transition and acquaintance there is a so-called trial raw food diet. You should give up your usual foods for a few days and try to eat only raw food in order to feel all the benefits of such nutrition: lightness, cleansing the intestines. The composition of raw food is richer in vitamins and microelements, since when heated above 47 degrees, a significant part of nutrients is lost.

Raw plant foods are excellent for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease, arthritis and arthrosis, kidney problems, and varicose veins. With raw food, enzymes enter the body that increase immunity and prevent the development of oncology.

Raw foodists report improved dental and gum health because solid raw foods must be chewed thoroughly. Improving the appearance of the spring, as toxins are eliminated – the cause of skin rashes, problems with pores, dandruff.

On a raw food diet, bad breath disappears due to the normalization of the digestive tract and the absence of rotting food, preservatives and flavorings in products. The amount of sweat is reduced, which also flushes toxins to the surface of the skin.


A raw food diet has a number of contraindications, and you need to be very careful when switching to such a diet.

Raw food is prohibited for children, pregnant women and the elderly. It is also impossible for ulcers, pancreatitis and colitis. Raw food is quite tough for a vulnerable, diseased stomach and can damage the mucous membrane of internal organs. Those who suffer from kidney disease should also be careful due to the large amount of acids in plant foods.

Another danger of such a diet is balance. If in the summer it is not difficult to get food for raw foodists, then in the winter period food is rather scarce.

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