Why milk can’t be stored on the refrigerator door

Milk is in almost every refrigerator, it is actively used in cooking, delicious cocoa is made from it, porridge is added to mashed potatoes …. And many people make one mistake. It is connected with the storage of milk.

As a rule, we store milk in the most convenient and, it would seem, exactly for this and intended place – on the refrigerator door. However, this arrangement in the refrigerator does not suit milk. The thing is that the temperature on the milk door does not meet the conditions for its preservation. 

The temperature in the refrigerator door is always slightly higher. In addition, due to frequent fluctuations (opening and closing the door), milk is exposed to constant temperature fluctuations, which also reduces its shelf life. 

Milk can only be stored if it is placed in the back of the refrigerator. Only there the product will be stored as long as indicated on the package. 

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By the way, if your milk is sour, do not rush to pour it out, because you can cook many delicious dishes from sour milk. 

And also, you will probably be interested to know what kind of milk is gaining popularity lately, as well as to get acquainted with the short story of an inventive milkman who learned to sell milk during quarantine. 

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