What to do to make the tree stand longer

New Year is just around the corner, which means it’s time to prepare for the most important family holiday, because in order to turn your home into a cozy and festive abode, it takes a lot of work.

And the most important decoration of any home is a living Christmas tree, which, with its fragrance and bright appearance, gives a New Year’s atmosphere to your home. However, sadly, most green beauties will not stand for a couple of weeks, and the usual ignorance of caring for her is to blame. And today we will tell you about seven effective ways that will help prolong the life of the tree.

1. So, in order for the spruce to look fresh, you need to take care of the care in advance. A couple of days before installing it in the apartment, it is necessary to cut off the bark from the bottom of the tree and put the spruce in previously settled water, and this must be done so that the water is slightly higher than the cut off place. Add three tablespoons of glycerin to the water and enjoy the beauty of the Christmas tree for weeks to come!

2. The next method will take a little more effort on your part. So, before installing the spruce, you need to cut the trunk with a knife in order to open up fresh pores. Then the tree must be placed in a container with three liters of water, where previously add five grams of citric acid, fifteen grams of crushed chalk and five grams of gelatin. After that, settled water is gradually poured into the container, as the solution is absorbed.

3. This method, we think, is familiar to almost everyone. To keep the Christmas tree looking green and fresh for as long as possible, place the tree in a bucket of water or sand.

4. Another simple option that will prolong the life of a green beauty is to place a spruce tree in water with aspirin. Aspirin is known to be the best helper in the fight against rotting bacteria. Add a dash of salt and sugar and you have an essential nutrient solution that will prolong the life of your tree.

5. By the way, do not forget about one simple thing: if you put a spruce in a bucket of sand, then, like any other plant, the tree will have to be watered regularly.

6. If you plan to install a Christmas tree on the cross, then you must first prepare the tree. To do this, hold it in water with glycerin, and then fill the cut with wax.

7. This method is ideal for those who do not want to put the tree in the water, but want to keep it fresh for a long time. To do this, follow these instructions: make a cut at the bottom of the tree and put a cloth dipped in a solution in it, the recipe for which is quite simple. So, for a liter of water, add a couple of tablespoons of cologne (the simplest, the ideal would be the old and well-known “Triple”), and one tablespoon of glycerin. However, remember that the cloth soaked in the resulting liquid should be changed every ten days.

As you can see, there are a variety of ways to keep your Christmas tree green, fragrant, and fresh for several weeks. We are sure that following our not the most difficult advice, you will be happy to extend the holiday for yourself and your loved ones.

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