What is tofu cheese and what is it eaten with

This cheese is one of the most popular foods in Japan and China and serves as the main source of protein for millions of people and therefore is called “boneless meat”. Do you know how to choose, cook and store this oriental delicacy?

Tofu is the Japanese name for curd, which is made from a milk-like liquid obtained from soybeans. Tofu appeared in China, during the Han era (III century BC), where it was called “dofu”. Then, for its preparation, the swollen beans were ground with water, the milk was boiled and sea salt, magnesia or gypsum was added, which led to the coagulation of the protein. The precipitated curd was then pressed through the tissue to remove excess fluid.

In Japan, tofu is called “o-tofu”. The prefix “o” means “venerable, respected,” and today everyone in Japan and China consumes tofu. Soybeans are one of the five sacred cereals in China, and tofu is an important food throughout Asia, serving as the main source of protein for millions of people. In the East, tofu is called “boneless meat”. It is low in carbohydrates and is easily absorbed by the body, which makes it a valuable food product for both children and adults.

Tofu can be soft, hard, or very hard. “Silk” tofu is soft, delicate and custard-like. It is usually sold in containers filled with water. It is a perishable product that needs to be stored at -7 ° C. To keep the tofu fresh, the water should be changed daily. Fresh tofu has a slightly sweet taste. If it starts to sour, it needs to be boiled for 10 minutes, then it will swell and become more porous than unboiled. Tofu can be frozen, but after thawing it becomes porous and harder.

Tofu is eaten raw, fried, pickled and smoked. It is almost tasteless, allowing it to be used with the most interesting sauces, spices and condiments, and the texture is suitable for almost any cooking method.

Speaking of tofu, one cannot fail to mention such a product as tempeh. Tempe has been widely used in Indonesia for over 2 thousand years. Today this product can be found in many supermarkets and health food stores in refrigerated compartments. Tempeh is a fermented, pressed cake made from soybeans and a fungal culture called Rhizopus oligosporus. This fungus forms a white mold that penetrates the entire soy mass, changing its texture and forming a cheese-like crust. Tempeh becomes very viscous and dense, almost like meat, and takes on a nutty flavor. Some people even compare it to veal.

Tempeh is mixed with rice, quinoa, peanuts, beans, wheat, oats, barley or coconut. It is very popular in vegetarian cuisine all over the world, because is a very satisfying product – a universal source of protein that can be baked in the oven or grilled, deep-fried or simply in oil.

It will keep in the refrigerator for several weeks while the package is intact, but when opened, it should be used within a few days. Black spots on the surface are not dangerous, but if tempeh changes color or smells sour, it should be thrown away. Boil the tempeh completely before cooking, but if you marinate it long enough, you can skip this step.

Editorial staff of Wday.ru, Julia Ionina

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