What is the Hormonal Diet?

The distribution of excess weight on our body depends on the balance or imbalance of various hormones. And depending on the area of ​​fat accumulation, you need to select your own set of products that will help you lose weight. Many diets are designed for weight loss in general, and not for specific areas. That is why not everyone is satisfied with the result of such a diet. By where exactly the body accumulates fat, you can understand which hormones are the problem, and solve it with the help of products.

Chest and shoulders – lack of testosterone

How to lose weight: include in the diet foods rich in protein, magnesium, zinc, flavonoids, which stimulate the synthesis of testosterone in the body. Flavonoids are found in apples, oranges, berries, green tea, onions, flax seeds, and other plant foods.


Shoulder blades and sides – excess insulin

How to lose weight: When glucose tolerance is impaired, fatty fish and foods rich in protein and fiber are useful. Also add cinnamon and chromium supplements. It is recommended to limit the use of simple carbohydrates.

Waist – thyroid problems

How to lose weight: you should pay attention to sea fish, seaweed, poultry, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, onions, asparagus and other foods rich in selenium, zinc, vitamins A, D, E, B6.

Abdomen – Excess cortisol (stress hormone)

How to lose weight: If it is impossible to eliminate sources of stress, magnesium, vitamins C and B5 should be added to the diet. To reduce stress, balance your diet with the ratio of fat, protein and carbohydrates.

Buttocks and thighs – excess estrogen

How to lose weight: Add broccoli, cabbage, and other fiber-rich vegetables to your diet. They will help regulate the liver enzymes that metabolize estrogen. Add vitamins B12, B6 and folic acid.

Knees and shins – low growth hormone

How to lose weight: include in the diet low-fat protein products – unflavored yoghurts, milk, cottage cheese, as well as dietary supplements containing glutamine and arginine.

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