What happens if there are raw sausages

What happens if there are raw sausages

Reading time – 3 minutes.

Regular sausages displayed in refrigerated display cases in a supermarket are essentially the same cooked sausage, but reduced in size. Can boiled sausage be eaten without heat treatment? Can. Accordingly, nothing bad will happen to anyone from eating raw sausages, with the exception of expired or low-quality sausages, as well as sausages made from raw meat. Special attention is paid to products from health food stores, from private farms, etc. If there is a suspicion that you have really good sausages in front of you, made from real raw meat, and not from soy, starch and other substitutes, then such sausages must be boiled or fried. The same should be done with homemade semi-finished products, which were based on minced meat and other natural ingredients.

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  1. და კუჭის ჭიები არ გამიჩდნებაა??????

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