What can replace coffee? Six Alternatives


Latte tea 

Latte chai is the mildest tea you can make with your favorite tea and vegetable milk. This drink balances mood, has a delicate taste and maintains energy throughout the day. The most delicious combination: Earl Gray + almond milk + ginger and cinnamon. Just what you need for cold autumn days! Pour tea with you into the tumbler and the taste of your favorite drink will accompany you all day. 


Chicory is the most common coffee substitute, most reminiscent of it in taste. This plant became known to people in ancient Egypt, and today it is valued for a lot of useful properties. Chicory contains vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B3, C, PP, calcium, potassium and magnesium – all of them have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, skin and metabolic processes. Chicory removes excess fluid from the body, and thanks to inulin, which the plant contains up to 50%, regulates blood sugar levels. Chicory also contains pectin, which helps to reduce the feeling of hunger. And all this without a gram of caffeine! 

Green juice 

Drinking green juice in the morning is the most popular recommendation in the world of healthy eating. If you are not yet ready to exist for half a day only on green low-calorie juice, then be sure to include it every few days in your diet, instead of a cup of coffee! Green juice invigorates no worse than coffee, and due to the small amount of fruit, such juice does not dramatically raise blood sugar levels. Add a couple of apples to vegetables and greens – and a delicious drink is ready. The properties of leafy greens, which are found in large quantities in a glass of green juice, are unique. Chlorophyll (found in all green foods) stops the aging process and starts tissue regeneration. Antioxidants and vitamins help maintain immunity, remove heavy metals from the body and alkalize the blood. 

Water with lemon 

You don’t have to be on a diet to start your day with a glass of warm water with lemon. Lemon juice alkalizes, cleanses and aids digestion. Due to vitamin C, such a drink helps the body fight viruses, and the sour taste instantly invigorates the nervous system. A glass of pure water with lemon clears the mind and does not have side effects in the form of tiredness and fatigue after a while, as usually happens after a cup of coffee.


Rooibos came to us from Africa – this tea has a pleasant sweetish aftertaste and can improve mood even on the gloomiest autumn day. Rooibos improves the digestive system, saves from heartburn and indigestion. Since it does not contain caffeine and tannin, you can drink it at any time of the day. The most delicious combination: rooibos + a pinch of natural vanilla. 

Green tea with pepper and anise 

Just like coffee, green tea contains caffeine: about 20 milligrams in an average cup. But tea caffeine has one difference: it works in tandem with tannin, which softens its negative impact. Black pepper starts blood circulation, which helps green tea to remove toxins even more actively. Add a couple of anise seeds to increase the anti-inflammatory and healing effect of the drink. 

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