What are gynecological probiotics? How do they work?
What are gynecological probiotics? How do they work?What are gynecological probiotics? How do they work?

Nowadays, we have a huge access to a variety of preparations called gynecological probiotics. They contain live cultures of lactic acid bacteria. Their function is to restore and maintain the proper bacterial flora in the vagina. They are most often used after fungal and bacterial infections, but not only. The vaginal reaction is acidic in natural conditions, which is a natural defensive barrier against all infections – the role of probiotics in this case is therefore to restore this protection.

They are available both orally and vaginally:

  1. Used vaginally – maintain proper acidity in the vagina. Thanks to lactic acid, they prevent the reproduction of bacteria that can also attack the upper zones of the reproductive system.
  2. Used orally – in addition to improving the vaginal pH, as in the first example, they additionally prevent inappropriate changes in the bacterial flora in the digestive tract. This is important due to the fact that in the course of long-term use of antibiotics, there are often conditions for the development of difficult-to-treat mycosis of the digestive system. Taking oral probiotics will help prevent this.

In the case of an acute infection that occurs suddenly, it is better to use vaginal probiotics. They will work faster because they act locally. However, when we are dealing with a chronic infection that lasts a long time, it is recommended to take oral probiotics, which will additionally strengthen the protection of the digestive tract.

When to reach for a probiotic?

Especially when you are exposed to a change in vaginal pH. Then there is an increased probability of intimate infections.

  • During and after the use of antibiotics.
  • Use of the pool, jacuzzi.
  • In case of improper hygiene, difficulties in maintaining it (e.g. during a long journey).
  • When you often change sexual partners.
  • If you are using hormonal contraception.
  • They can be taken prophylactically to prevent infections. Especially recommended for women who have a tendency to recurring problems in the intimate area.
  • They are indicated for therapeutic use in vaginal inflammation, in the event of infection symptoms (burning, itching, vaginal discharge, bad smell).

Is it safe?

If you use the probiotic in accordance with the dosage and recommendations on the packaging, you have nothing to worry about. Most of them are available in any pharmacy without a prescription. They are completely safe and cause almost no side effects. In very rare, exceptional cases, pain in the lower abdomen, burning, itching may occur. However, these are individual situations – it is not recommended to use gynecological probiotics if there is hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients.

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