Walking during pregnancy

Walking during pregnancy

A pregnant woman should pay maximum attention to her health, because this is important both for her and for the unborn baby. Walking during pregnancy is good for the female body. This activity is pleasant and easy, it helps to keep the body in shape.

Benefits of Walking for Pregnant Women

During pregnancy, the load on all organs and systems of the female body increases. It is especially difficult for the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Walking is a simple activity that is very beneficial for the heart, blood vessels, and lungs.

Walking during pregnancy will replace fitness

Regular walking strengthens the body and helps it tune in to childbirth. If a woman walked a lot during pregnancy, she does not gain so much weight and it is much easier to restore her figure after childbirth. There are practically no contraindications for walking, but it is still better to first consult with the doctor who leads the pregnancy.

Walking during pregnancy: rules

To get the most out of walking, you need to adhere to a number of rules:

  • For hiking, you need to choose comfortable clothes and, most importantly, the right shoes. A sports store will help you with the selection of the required type of sneakers.
  • If you don’t have a sporting background, start your workouts lightly. The first walks should not be more than 30 minutes.
  • While walking, keep your back straight, step from heel to toe. Bend your arms at the elbows and work them intensively.
  • Choose places for sports walking near green spaces, away from large highways.
  • Be sure to take still water with you for a walk. Drink it in small sips. Don’t let yourself get thirsty.
  • Monitor your pulse at all times. To do this, you can buy a special device in a pharmacy or a sports store. Or, you can just stop occasionally and check your heart rate.
  • After your workout, do a relaxing foot bath, give them a good rest.

During the first and second trimester of pregnancy, you can actively walk, but in the third trimester, the load should be gradually reduced to a minimum.

It is not necessary to set aside a separate time for active walks. You can park your car further away from home or get out of the vehicle a couple of stops earlier. This will make walking a part of your daily routine.

Frequent walks during pregnancy are a pleasant and rewarding leisure activity. Take your husband or girlfriends to make it more fun and have a good time.

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