Vitamin-protein diet, 10 days, -7 kg

Losing weight up to 7 kg in 10 days.

The average daily calorie content is 1000 Kcal.

The vitamin-protein diet is deservedly popular. For 10 diet days, you can significantly modify your body, losing up to 7 unnecessary pounds. This technique is transferred, according to the reviews of many people, quite simply and is not accompanied by an unbearable feeling of hunger. What is her secret?

Requirements of a vitamin-protein diet

According to the rules of this diet, you can eat exclusively protein and vitamin foods, completely rejecting fats. It is also not recommended to add various seasonings, sauces, etc. to food. It is not prohibited to add a little salt to food. You can also add flavor to food by adding natural herbs.

Vitamins and proteins should be consumed in different meals, adhering to the principles of fractional nutrition and maintaining a pause of 2,5-3 hours between meals.

It’s no secret that the rules of separate nutrition lead to weight loss in and of themselves, and in combination with the recommendations of a vitamin-protein diet, the effect is doubled. Also, weight loss using this method is due to the fact that the increased consumption of protein products in combination with the reduction of fats and carbohydrates helps to burn adipose tissue even faster. Makes the diet more effective and the introduction of split meals.

Protein is an essential nutrient for muscle tissue repair and growth. It also helps to supply oxygen to the organs and tissues of the body. With a lack of protein, many problems can arise: deterioration of hormonal levels, disturbances in the functioning of the liver, kidneys and enzymatic systems, deterioration of brain activity and even the development of dystrophy.

Vegetables and fruits perfectly complement protein, being a storehouse of useful components (antioxidants, minerals, vitamins) that allow the body to work properly. The benefits of the gifts of nature are invaluable for the reason that they contain a large amount of fiber. It promotes proper bowel function and helps the body defend itself against disease. Sucrose, which is found in significant quantities in fruits, reduces the cravings for sweets, which so often prevents incorrigible sweets from losing weight. Moreover, unlike sweets in cakes, sweets, pastries, sucrose does not cause dependence. Low in calories, fruit and vegetable products contain a large amount of liquid and provide faster and longer saturation.

It is recommended to take 5-6 meals per day, refusing food at least a couple of hours before bedtime. It is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of liquid, in particular, so that decay products are excreted from the body, which will be especially abundant during the diet. In addition to regular water, you can drink tea and coffee, but do not add sugar to your drinks. It is better to give up sugar substitutes too. Other drinks (especially alcohol) are strictly prohibited.

What directly do you need to eat using this technique? The protein group of products includes: chicken eggs (focus on protein intake), zero-fat cottage cheese, lean meat, fish (preferably seafood), cheese with a minimum percentage of fat and not too salty, low-fat sausage in a small amount. It is recommended to eat cheese and sausage at the beginning of the day, if desired. The vitamin group includes unsweetened fruits, citrus fruits, vegetables (any, except for carrots and potatoes). Serving sizes are not clearly indicated. Eat until you feel full. It is difficult to overeat with protein products, even the most low-fat ones, because they perfectly saturate.

There is also a second variant of the protein-vitamin method. In this case, the last meal should take place at a maximum of 18 hours, no matter how late you go to bed, and you need to have dinner with a carbohydrate meal (eat some kind of porridge). The rest of the diet rules are the same as for the first option.

Don’t forget about exercise on your diet. Due to the presence of sufficient protein in the diet, there should be enough strength for sports. With a competent selection of exercises, the results of following dietary rules will be more noticeable, and the body will acquire not only harmony, but also elasticity and fit.

Although the vitamin-protein diet can be adhered to for up to 10 days, for the first time it is recommended to sit on it for no more than 7 days. If you want to lose a very small amount of kilograms, you can reduce the technique even more.

Getting out of the diet is also very important. At least the same amount of time that you spent on the method, you need to eat in much the same way, by introducing 1-2 meals a day, consisting of the correct carbohydrates (cereals and whole grain bread). It is still necessary to minimize the presence of fatty, fried foods, flour products, alcohol, sugar-containing foods and drinks on the menu. Strive for a balanced diet and an active lifestyle. Then the results of losing weight will not come to naught.

Vitamin-protein diet menu

An example of a diet of a vitamin-protein diet for 3 days (1st option)

Day 1

8:00 – 2 chicken eggs (boil or cook in a pan without adding oil).

10:30 – pulp of one grapefruit.

13:00 – boiled meat (200 g).

15:30 – 2 small apples, fresh or baked.

18:00 – boiled fish (200 g).

20:30 – orange.

Day 2

8:00 – a steam omelet made from proteins of three chicken eggs.

10:30 – salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and various herbs, which can be seasoned with lemon juice.

13:00 – about 120 g of cottage cheese, as well as 2 slices of cheese and boiled sausage.

15:30 – pear and apple salad.

18:00 – baked chicken breast.

20:30 – apple.

Day 3

8:00 – 200 g of cottage cheese.

10:30 – a couple of cucumbers.

13:00 – boiled fish in an amount of about 150 g.

15:30 – a couple of slices of fresh pineapple.

18:00 – 200 g of lean meat stew.

20:30 – cabbage and cucumber salad in the company of greens.

An example of a diet of a vitamin-protein diet (2nd option)

Breakfast: steamed omelet (use 2-3 squirrels and 1 yolk).

Snack: cucumber-tomato salad with herbs and lemon juice.

Lunch: 100 g of cottage cheese and up to 50 g of unsalted cheese.

Afternoon snack: pear or orange.

Dinner: a portion of buckwheat porridge cooked in water.

Contraindications for a vitamin-protein diet

  • Despite the fact that the vitamin-protein diet cannot be classified as extreme methods, women cannot follow it during pregnancy and when breastfeeding a baby.
  • Due to the abundance of protein in the diet, this diet is contraindicated in kidney disease and diseases associated with the functioning of the intestines.

Benefits of a vitamin-protein diet

Nutritionists, doctors, and fitness trainers agree that a vitamin-protein diet has many benefits.

  1. She teaches us to eat fractionally, does not require the purchase of some rare exotic products and the preparation of complex dishes.
  2. The technique is also good for the reason that it helps to lose weight without feeling hungry, weakness and other dietary symptoms.
  3. This diet, in contrast to many others, is quite balanced in terms of the set of nutrients in the diet. Although, if you wish, taking a vitamin and mineral complex will not be superfluous.
  4. The diet of the vitamin-protein method is quite diverse. A lot of vitamin and protein components are offered, so you can choose products at your discretion and make the menu so that you will not get bored with it.

Disadvantages of a vitamin-protein diet

  • Difficult vitamin-protein diet can be given to sweet lovers.
  • It will also be problematic to sit on it for busy people who do not have the opportunity to eat fractionally.
  • It is impossible to follow this diet for a very long time, so it is not suitable for people who have a noticeable amount of excess weight and want to lose weight dramatically.

Re-carrying out the vitamin-protein diet

It is not recommended to adhere to a vitamin-protein diet more often than once every 2-3 months.

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