Vanilla: how to choose and what to do with it

What is vanilla and what does it look like

Vanilla pods in the store are dark brown, almost black, 17-22 cm long. Inside the pod is from a quarter to 0,5 tsp. seeds. Vanilla has the sweetest aroma of all spices, although it tastes bitter. The length of the pod is especially appreciated. There is even such a concept: “” vanilla.

In nature – a genus of perennial vines. The Latin name comes from Spanish. vainilla – “pod”. After harvest, whole fresh pods are blanched, fermented and dried for 4–6 months. The pods turn from light to dark brown, after which they are usually packaged in glass tubes.

Where does vanilla grow and how it differs from each other

The most popular varieties of vanilla grow in.

Mexican vanilla has a strong sweet-spicy aroma with light woody notes.

Vanilla from the little one, which is located a little to the east Madagascaris called “”. She has a complex, active, slightly winey smell and a sweet, creamy taste. It is great for baking because it retains its odor persistently at high temperatures.

Vanilla from Tahiti characterized by thinner pod walls, which are shorter and thicker than others and more juicy compared to Madagascar vanilla. Tahitian vanilla has an unusually rich aroma, which has been described as cherry, prune or licorice.

How to choose vanilla

We advise you to choose pods that are flexible, smooth, greasy to the touch, which can be bent without breaking. Plaque of white crystals on the surface is a sign of the quality of vanilla.

How to extract vanilla seeds

First of all, slice the vanilla pod all the way through, not cutting through, but opening it like a book. Use the blunt side of your knife to scrape out the seeds. Soak the pod itself in milk or cream if you plan to use vanilla milk. Or make homemade vanilla sugar (see below for recommendations on how to make it). Remember, the pod itself is not edible!

What to do with vanilla

Add as a flavoring

For an appealing aroma and characteristic rich sweet taste, add vanilla seeds to ice creams and puddings. creams and mousses, sauces and syrups, baked goods and porridge, jam and even in tea.

Add as a unifying element

For harmony of taste and combination of various ingredients with each other – add vanilla to creamy sauces, in pancake dough, in egg and milk mixture for omelets ().

Add for the nobility of taste

Add vanilla to fried or grilled meat, poultry, game and seafood – it is better in the form of a mixture of vanilla seeds with olive oil “”.

Add to sauces

To soften the harshness, add vanilla to citrus fruits, to reduce acidity, add to tomato sauces.

Add to fruit salads

For depth and brightness, add vanilla to off-season greenhouse fruits and berries.

Add as a natural sweetener

Use vanilla to enhance the natural sweet taste of vegetables – when frying potatoes, onions, garlic, carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes; for a delicate and subtle taste – add to vegetable salads and green salad mixes.

What vanilla derivatives can be

It’s easy to find in stores vanilla not only in the form of pods. There are, for example, vanilla essence and vanilla sugar (or powdered sugar with vanilla).

Vanilla extract and essence

Vanilla extract – an alcoholic solution infused for several months on crushed vanilla pods. Vanilla essence – a kind of solution with a high vanilla content. Study the label when purchasing. It should be written natural flavor, What means “”.

Before cooking, be sure to check the quality and “strength” of the extract and essence on a small amount of dough or a portion of sauce. It’s very easy to overdo it with these vanilla derivatives – up to poisoning!

Vanilla sugar

Vanilla sugar It is also sold in stores, but we recommend that you cook it yourself by filling (literally – inserting) 2 vanilla pods with 500 g of fine granulated sugar. It remains only to keep the sugar in an airtight container at room temperature for at least 7 days, stirring it periodically.

If you still buy sugar or powdered sugar with vanilla in a store, pay attention to its “structure” (in powdered sugar it appears especially clearly). Among the sugar or powder, black dots should be visible – these are just vanilla seeds. Well, the taste and aroma should be appropriate for the product – vanilla.

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