Vaginitis – vaginal infection

Vaginitis – vaginal infection

La vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina which is most often due to an infection, but not always. It results in irritation, itching or painful sensations on the skin. vulva or the family vagina, as well as “abnormal” vaginal discharge. We also talk about vulvo-vaginite.

This condition is relatively common: 75% of women will be affected at least once in their life. Vaginitis is the most common reason for medical consultation in women.

Types of vaginites

Infectious vaginitis. The most common vaginitis is caused by microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, or yeast (yeast is a microscopic fungus).

Infectious vaginitis can be caused by:

  • A disturbance of the balance of the vaginal environment. The vagina is an environment where many protective microorganisms live, which constitute the vaginal flora (or Döderlein flora). The good balance of this flora helps prevent the multiplication of harmful bacteria or yeasts and prevents infections. The vaginal environment has a relatively acidic pH. A change in pH or flora, but also abnormal levels of glucose, glycogen, antibodies and other compounds in vaginal secretions can unbalance the vaginal flora.

    Likewise, age, sexual intercourse, pregnancy, the contraceptive pill, hygiene measures or clothing habits can disrupt the flora. This can lead to an abnormal proliferation of bacteria or champignons already present in the vagina. Yeast vaginitis caused by different types of yeasts from the yeast family Candida (also called yeast infection or vaginal candidiasis) and bacterial vaginosis caused by the bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis are the most frequent.

  • A sexually transmitted infection (STI). Introduction of the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis in the vagina during sex with an infected partner. This type of vaginitis is called trichomonase and it is an STI.

Atrophic vaginitis (resulting in vaginal dryness). This type of vaginitis is caused by a drop in estrogen levels after surgical removal of the ovaries or during menopause. There is then a thinning and less of the vaginal mucosa, which becomes more sensitive and irritates more easily.

Irritant vaginitis. Vaginal inflammation can be caused by irritating chemicals or allergic reactions from spermicides, douches, detergents, scented soaps, fabric softeners, latex condoms used without lubricant or with too little lubricant or prolonged use of a tampon.

Notes. In this document, it will mainly be about infectious vaginitis, which account for about 90% of vaginitis cases.

Possible complications

In general, vaginitis do not cause complications. However, they can be a problem in pregnant women. Indeed, vaginitis caused by bacteria or by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis can cause premature births.

Bacterial vaginitis and trichomoniasis also increase the risk of contracting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other infections during pregnancy. unprotected sex with an infected partner.

In addition, some vaginitis may tend to reoffend. Thus, nearly half of women who have had vaginal candidiasis will have a second infection.26. In total, about 5% of women of childbearing age have more than 4 candidiasis infections per year28. Or, les recurrent vaginitis can considerably alter the quality of life and have major consequences on the sex life of affected women. They are also more difficult to treat.

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