Useful properties of pears

Pears are a very good source of fiber, vitamins B2, C, E, as well as copper and potassium. They also contain significant amounts of pectin. Pears are richer in pectin than apples. This explains their effectiveness in lowering cholesterol levels and in improving digestion. Pears are often recommended as complementary foods for babies. Pears are an excellent source of dietary fiber when the skin is eaten along with the pulp. Pears are also an excellent source of vitamin C and vitamin E, both powerful antioxidants.

Pears are often recommended as high-fiber fruits that are less likely to cause adverse reactions. Pear juice is good for babies.

Arterial pressure. Pears contain the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound glutathione, which helps prevent high blood pressure and stroke. Cancer prevention. Pears are rich in vitamin C and copper, which are good antioxidants that protect cells from free radical damage. Cholesterol. The high pectin content of pears makes them very useful in lowering cholesterol levels.

Constipation. The pectin in pears has a diuretic and mild laxative effect. Pear juice helps regulate bowel movements.

Energy. Pear juice is a quick and natural source of energy, largely due to its high content of fructose and glucose.

Fever. The cooling effect of the pear can be used to relieve fever. The best way to lower your body temperature is to drink a large glass of pear juice.

The immune system. The antioxidant nutrients found in pears have a beneficial effect on the immune system. Drink pear juice when you feel unwell.

Inflammation.  Pear juice has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps relieve the feeling of severe pain in various inflammatory processes.

Osteoporosis. Pears contain a large amount of boron. Boron helps the body retain calcium, thus preventing or slowing down osteoporosis.

Pregnancy. The high content of folic acid has a beneficial effect on the formation of the nervous system of newborns.

Dyspnea. Summer heat can make children feel worse. Drink pear juice during this period.

vocal data. Boil two pears, add honey and drink warm. This will help in healing the throat and vocal cords.

Cellulose. Pears are an excellent source of natural fiber. One pear will give you 24% of your recommended daily fiber intake. Fiber contains no calories and is an essential part of a healthy diet as it helps maintain blood sugar levels and promotes bowel regularity.

Pectin is a type of soluble fiber that binds to fatty substances in the digestive tract and promotes their removal from the body. It helps lower blood cholesterol levels. Soluble fiber also helps regulate sugar levels.

Studies show that a diet high in fiber can reduce the risk of heart disease and some types of cancer.

Vitamin C. Fresh pears are a good source of vitamin C. One fresh pear contains 10% of the daily requirement of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant essential for normal metabolism and tissue repair, and helps neutralize free radicals. Vitamin C helps heal cuts and bruises and helps protect against a number of infectious diseases.

Potassium. A fresh pear contains 5% of the recommended daily allowance (190 mg) of potassium.


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