Total Biology (German New Medicine)

Total Biology (German New Medicine)

What is Total Biology?

Total biology is a very controversial approach that postulates that all diseases can be cured through thought and will. In this sheet, you will discover what total biology is, its principles, its history, its benefits, the course of a session as well as the training courses allowing to practice it.

This approach is based on the premise that all illnesses, without exception, are caused by an unmanageable traumatic psychological conflict, “overstress”. Each type of conflict or emotion would affect a specific area of ​​the brain, to the point of leaving a physiological imprint, which would automatically affect the organ connected to this area.

As a result, the various symptoms – pain, fever, paralysis, etc. – would be signs of an organism which seeks its survival above all: incapable of psychically managing the emotion, it would make the stress carry by the body. Therefore, if one succeeded in solving the psychic problem in question, it would make the disease message sent by the brain disappear. The body could then return to normalcy, which would automatically result in healing. According to this theory, there would be no “incurable” diseases, only patients temporarily unable to access their personal healing powers. 

The main principles

According to Dr. Hamer, creator of Total Biology, there are five “laws” that are written into the genetic code of any living organism – plant, animal or human:

The first law is the “iron law” which states that emotional shock acts as a trigger because the emotion-brain-body triad is biologically programmed for survival. It would be as if, following an overly unmanageable emotional shock ”, the exceptional intensity of the neurological impulse reached the emotional brain, and disrupted the neurons in a specific area. Thus, the disease would save the organism from probable death and thus ensure the survival of the organism. It should also be mentioned that the brain does not distinguish between real (being at the mercy of a ferocious tiger) and symbolic (feeling at the mercy of an angry boss) stresses, each of which can trigger the biological reaction.

The following three laws concern the biological mechanisms by which the disease is created and reabsorbed. As for the fifth which is the “law of quintessence”, this postulates that what we call “disease” is in fact part of a well-founded biological program, foreseen by nature in order to ensure our survival in the face of adverse circumstances. .

The overall conclusion is that the disease still has meaning, that it is useful and even vital for the survival of the individual.

In addition, what makes an event trigger or not a biological reaction (an illness) would not be its nature (miscarriage, loss of employment, aggression, etc.), but the way in which the person experiences it ( devaluation, resentment, resistance, etc.). Each individual, in fact, reacts differently to stressful events that arise in his life. Thus, a job loss can generate in a person distress of such magnitude that it will result in an intense survival reaction: a “life-saving” disease. On the other hand, in other circumstances, the same job loss could rather be seen as an opportunity for change, not causing excessive stress… nor illness.

Total biology: a controversial practice

The total biology approach is very controversial since it is radically opposed to classical medicine rather than working in complementarity with it. In addition, she claims to be able to resolve ALL illnesses, and that they ALL have one and only one cause: unresolved psychological conflict. It is said that at Hamer’s recommendation, some practitioners of New Medicine (but not all) advocate abandoning medical treatments when initiating the process of psychic resolution, especially when these treatments are particularly invasive or toxic – this which is particularly the case with chemotherapy. This can give rise to very serious slippages.

Some organizations criticize the creators of total biology for their tendency to present things as absolute truths. Also, the oversimplification of some of their symbolic solutions does not fail to put off: for example, it is said that young children in whom a lot of dental caries appear before the age of 10 would be like puppies incapable of biting the big dog. (the schoolmaster) who represents the discipline. If we give them an apple, which represents this character and in which they can bite to their heart’s content, their self-esteem is restored and the problem is resolved.

They are also criticized for underestimating the multifactorial complexity of the onset of a disease when they claim that there is always a single trigger. As for the “obligation” for patients to find in themselves the cause of the disease and to settle a deeply rooted emotional conflict, it would cause in many a feeling of panic and debilitating guilt.

In addition, as proof of his theory, Dr. Hamer, and the practitioners trained by him, say they can identify on a brain image taken with a tomodensitometer (scanner) the precise area that was marked by the traumatic emotion, area that presents then an abnormality which they call “Hamer’s hearth”; once the healing has started, this abnormality will dissolve. But official medicine has never recognized the existence of these “foci”.

Benefits of Total Biology

Among the 670 biomedical scientific publications listed by PubMed to date, none can be found evaluating the particular virtues of Total Biology in humans. Only one publication deals with Hamer’s theory, but only generally. We cannot therefore conclude that it is effective in the various uses mentioned so far. No research has been able to demonstrate the validity of this approach.


Total biology in practice

The specialist

Anyone – after a few weekends and without other relevant training – can claim Total Biology or New Medicine, because no body controls the names. After carving out a niche – marginal, but solid – in a few European countries and in Quebec, the approach is starting to gain traction among Anglophones in North America. ‘there are health professionals who combine the tools of Total Biology with those of their primary competence – in psychotherapy or osteopathy for example. It seems wiser to choose a worker who is, at the outset, a trusted therapist, to have the maximum chance of being adequately supported on the road to recovery.

Course of a session

In a process of biological decoding, the therapist first identifies, using a grid, the type of feeling that would have triggered the disease. Then, he asks the patient the relevant questions which will help him to find in his memory or in his unconscious the traumatic event (s) which provoked the feeling. When the “right” event is discovered, the theory says that the patient then intimately recognizes the connection to his illness, and should feel an absolute conviction that he is on the road to recovery.

It is then for him to take the necessary actions, that is to say to do the essential psychological process to deal with this trauma. This can sometimes happen very quickly and dramatically, but more often than not, professional support is required, sometimes quite long; the adventure, moreover, is not necessarily crowned with success. It is also possible that the person still remains vulnerable in this aspect of themselves and that some new event revives the disease mechanism – which requires keeping emotionally “fit”.

Become a therapist

Divided into three modules over one year, the basic training lasts 16 days; It is open to all. Afterwards, it is possible to participate in various thematic three-day workshops.

History of total biology

The approach includes several clans, but two main currents. Initially, there is the new medicine, which we owe to Ryke Geerd Hamer, a doctor of German origin who developed it at the turn of the 1980s (the expression having never been protected, the Dr Hamer officially renamed his approach German New Medicine to distinguish it from the various sub-schools that have emerged over time). We also know the Total Biology of living beings described in the form of natural stories comparing the three kingdoms: plant, animal and human created by a former student of Hamer, Claude Sabbah. This doctor, born in North Africa and now established in Europe, says he has taken the concept of New Medicine further. While Hamer defined the major laws that govern the biological mechanisms involved, Sabbah has done a lot of work on the interpretive aspect of the link between emotion and disease.

The two practitioners having continued their work independently, the two approaches are now very distinct. Moreover, Dr. Hamer warns on his site that Total Biology “does not represent the authentic research material of German New Medicine”.

1 Comment

  1. Buna ziua! Mi- as dori sa achiziționez cartea, cum as putea și dacă aș putea? Va mulțumesc, o după – amiază minunată! Cu respect, Isabell Graur

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