TOP 7 outdated nutritional guidelines

Modern dietetics denies some principles of supposedly proper nutrition. One or another strategy on the road to health may eventually be useless. What can you give up now without damaging their figures?

Fractional power

TOP 7 outdated nutritional guidelines

You can stop often eating in small portions. Earlier fans of fractional power insisted that when reusable food, more energy is spent on processing food. However, it turned out that the energy spent on one good meal is two smaller meals with the same caloric content.

Frequent snacking can disrupt the cycles of activity and rest of the body, the mode of food intake, and the risk of consuming more calories. You should pay attention to comfort: if easy to eat three times a day, no need to force yourself for often eating.

Compulsory Breakfast

TOP 7 outdated nutritional guidelines

It is believed to maintain a healthy weight; it is necessary every morning to eat breakfast. But there is no substantiated research proving this theory. But in 2014, a study was published which compared the results of 283 adults are overweight, skipping Breakfast, and having it regularly. After 16 weeks of the study, there were no differences in weight between these groups.

Dinner after 18.00

TOP 7 outdated nutritional guidelines

This dietary myth has collapsed long ago. To reduce caloric intake and lose weight, you do not have to eat everything before 6 PM. The only tool is that dinner should be 2-3 hours before bedtime. And if people go to bed at midnight, then dinner at 6 is too radical, provoking food breakdowns.

Drinking over food

TOP 7 outdated nutritional guidelines

During or after meals, water helps mechanical and chemical digestion, breaking the food that the body can best absorb its nutrients. Besides, a large amount of food at 90-98% water, and gastric juice is out of it at 98-99%.

Stretchable stomach

TOP 7 outdated nutritional guidelines

It is believed that the more a person consumes food, the more stretched the stomach. So the amount of food grows, so does the weight. In fact, the volume of the stomach 200-500 ml, depending on the specific person. The stomach of a plump man does not stretch more. This elastic body: when the food arrives, it is stretched. When the food leaves – it shrinks to normal size.

Empty greenhouse products

TOP 7 outdated nutritional guidelines

To assert that greenhouse vegetables and fruits are worthless is wrong. They may have reduced palatability because of harmful substances. But the value of the product is absolutely saved. Choose proven fruits and vegetables and enjoy their benefits all year round.

The negative calorie foods

TOP 7 outdated nutritional guidelines

There are products during digestion, which spent more energy than contained in them calories. But magical fat burning when consumed does not occur. Plant enzymes that accelerate metabolic processes almost all have negative calories.

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