TOP 10 allergy-causing foods

People with allergies probably know more extended lists of what is allowed, what absolutely should not be consumed, and what is allowed to sometimes try if you really want to. The insidiousness of allergies, however, is that it can develop in a completely healthy person, as soon as the hormonal system fails or stress makes itself felt.


The leader among allergenic products. Few of us in childhood did not fall on tangerines. Citrus fruits irritate the gastrointestinal tract, an allergic reaction appears in the form of itching, rashes and swelling. And all because citrus fruits are exotic, and we do not have enough enzymes to assimilate them. It is better for them to prefer fruits from our garden.



While eggs are an essential source of protein, they are one of the most common allergens. Egg allergy makes it difficult to eat a number of foods that contain this ingredient.


It also contains a foreign protein in its composition, and is dangerous for children under 3 years old, since the gastrointestinal tract is still being formed and does not have the strength and helpers in its arsenal to properly break down the product. Whole milk and foods that contain it are especially dangerous. Fermented milk products are less allergenic, but even those are sometimes destructive for an allergic person.

Red berries and fruits

The substances that give the fruit this color are very useful, but at the same time difficult for our body to assimilate. And again, the more exotic the fruit, the more likely it is to be rejected by the immune system. The exception is strawberries, although they are of our latitudes, they have a complex structure and accumulate pollen, which causes allergies.


As soon as the manifestations of allergies begin, cereals are also excluded from food, especially those obtained as a result of processing wheat. As well as oatmeal and semolina. These same proteins are challenging and rejected by the body. Plus, cereals contain gluten and phytic acid, which add digestion problems and interfere with metabolic processes.

Seafood and fish

If we talk about fish, river fish is safe for consumption, but sea red is a rather aggressive allergen. However, some types of marine fish do not cause allergies, such as cod. But chum salmon, pink salmon, salmon should not be given to children and often consumed by themselves.


The most dangerous and allergenic among nuts are peanuts – even small traces of it in products can lead to acute reactions, up to anaphylactic shock. Allergies develop in seconds. Along with peanuts, almonds are the most allergenic, but our walnuts are perceived by us well.


It is a multicomponent product and is often allergic to one or more of the ingredients. These are cocoa beans, milk, nuts, and wheat. And also soy is another strong allergen and a product that is difficult for our body to perceive.


Honey is not only a tasty and healthy product, but also a whole storehouse of all kinds of pollen – in fact, that bees carry to their hive. Honey often causes difficulty breathing and swelling of the larynx. Therefore, children should wait with this product and not use it thoughtlessly by adults.


Fortunately, because of the pungency of this spice, you do not eat much of it. And it would be okay food, there are among us lovers of dry mustard, which is used in the treatment of colds. And often, against the background of a viral rhinitis, the allergic one is lost and is written off to the insidiousness of the disease. And the usual mustard plaster can cause the development of a severe allergic reaction.

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