Theta Healing Meditation Guide

Hello, dear readers of the site! Today we will talk about what theta meditation is for instant healing of your life. And also find out what advantages it has over other techniques. So, are you ready?

 History of Theta Healing

Theta Healing is a range of slow waves that our hippocampus produces. Its frequency is 4-8 Hz. A state with such a range of waves, which is achieved through meditation. The founder is Vianna Strieble. She gave it to the world in 1995, after she was able to overcome oncology of the femur on her own. Vianna recorded the mode of this frequency thanks to an electroencephalograph — this is such a medical device. That allows you to measure the potential difference between the points of our brain, which are both in depth and on its surface. This difference is fixed on the electroencephalogram.

So, these waves are characteristic of the sleep phase of rapid eye movements. During this period, by the way, we are also visited by lucid dreams, that is, those at the moment of which we understand that we are sleeping and can control what is happening.

To cause this state, it is not necessary to fall asleep, it is enough to turn on the so-called binaural beats — these are sound or light signals that are simulated using a computer. They are easy to find on the Internet.


  • Getting rid of stress. Every day, absolutely each of us is faced with various difficulties that cause irritation, anxiety, anger, sadness, disappointment and other not very pleasant experiences and feelings. But it is extremely important to relieve stress, otherwise the excess energy, lingering in the body, will begin to destroy it. This leads to the emergence of various diseases, which are commonly called psychosomatic.
  • Strengthening memory. Yes, in moments of mental activity, people literally experienced a burst of theta waves in their hemispheres. Why can we conclude that they have a beneficial effect not only on memory, but also on thinking processes in general.
  • Creative activity. The ability to learn increases, a person is visited by various ideas, which he may well express with the help of creativity. As they say, inspiration comes.
  • Development of metaphysical possibilities. This refers to a tendency to clairvoyance and other extrasensory abilities.
  • Healing. In general, beta and delta heal the body, but theta healing enhances the effect several times, combining their features
  • Recovery. It is these waves that are responsible for sleep, strong, healing, relaxing. In the process of which a person gets the opportunity to restore their resources that were wasted during the day.

Theta Healing Meditation Guide


morning meditation

This meditation is performed in the early morning, in principle, that is why it is called so. It was at this time — because you just woke up, the brain seems to be awake, and the body is still half asleep. There is no fuss and tension, which usually occurs at the end of almost any working day.

So, close your eyes, sit comfortably and take a deep breath as you imagine white light entering your lungs. On exhalation, on the contrary, the body leaves the negative, and with it pain, disappointment, resentment.

When you feel that it has become easy and somewhat peaceful, imagine that a bright beam of Muladhara passes through the Sahasrara, the chakra at the top of the head to the very bottom, gradually spreading throughout the body.

It is the energy of love, healing, creative, restoring and filling. It circulates through all your organs, body parts and cells in general. And it goes into the ground through the legs, returning to where it came from.

Imagine that you are standing barefoot, literally absorbing the power of Mother Earth. Then gradually return to reality, thinking about what you will do during the day. Thank yourself, the energy of the Universe and open your eyes.

To attract good luck

Opens access to new opportunities, helps to achieve prosperity. Technique, as in the previous version.

Only when you manage to relax and “turn off” from various thoughts and problems, you should imagine that you are in outer space. Not very far from Earth. You can observe its landscape. That is, seas, waterfalls, rivers and even lakes. Animals, plants and everything you need.

Take these gifts of the Universe, feel how you are filled with the resources that nature has. Then open your eyes and return to your daily activities, confident in your success.


  • Be sure to drink at least a glass of water beforehand. Meditation lasts about half an hour, and you should never be distracted by the feeling of thirst. Your body should be filled with moisture at this point.
  • The most optimal posture is the «lotus position». But it is not necessary to take it if you experience discomfort in it due to the lack of stretching. Sit comfortably, the main thing is not to lie down. Otherwise, there is a great risk that you will simply fall asleep.
  • It is better to listen to binaural beats with headphones, not just from a laptop at full power. You must be one with them, without being distracted by extraneous noise. By the way, the volume is at an average level, otherwise it will not work to relax, or to achieve a state of half-asleep.
  • Turn off the «mega-bass» function and the equalizer in principle in the player’s settings. Otherwise, Theta Healing will fail.
  • You should only concentrate on your breathing. Just do not make an effort to inhale or exhale. You just watch the process, forgetting about everything in the world.
  • Stop trying to have an internal dialogue. If thoughts rush through our heads, we don’t think them, we just skip them.
  • If your brain draws some negative images, try to replace them with positive ones. Or the exercise will have to stop. The fact is that in this range of brain waves there is a unity with the energy of the Universe. And then what we think comes true. So it’s better to let our dreams come true, not fears. Right?


And finally, I want to recommend you an article about alpha visualization. This is another technique that will help turn dreams into reality, improve the body and improve the quality of life.

Take care of yourself and be happy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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