There are contractions, but there is no disclosure – what to do (cervix, uterus)

There are contractions, but there is no disclosure – what to do (cervix, uterus)

Once in the maternity ward, all women, even having given birth more than once, experience stress. And what about those who are expecting their first child. The change in the usual environment and the expectation of the unknown only increase the panic. And the most unpleasant thing is the realization that there are contractions, but there is no opening of the cervical canal. But it is on this process that the success of childbirth depends.

Stages of cervical dilatation

Often, a woman who is about to become a mother for the first time and hears from the doctor that the disclosure has not yet begun begins to worry and torment herself with terrible guesses. But maybe you shouldn’t panic ahead of time?

If there are contractions, but there is no disclosure – do not worry and trust the doctor

It is known that the process of dilating the cervical canal is divided into three stages, and it is impossible to recognize which of them the uterus is in on your own.

The early period is characterized by rare and soft contractions. They are not painful or disturbing. The duration of the first period is different for everyone – from several hours to several days. Any special help to the woman in labor at this moment is not required.

It’s a good idea to start preparing your cervix for labor a few weeks before your happy event.

The rapid opening of the canal occurs in the second period. At this time, the contractions noticeably intensify, and the interval between them decreases. The fetal bladder bursts, and water leaves. At this point, the channel should have smoothed out and opened by 5-8 cm.

In the third period, active labor begins. The woman feels frequent and painful contractions, the strong pressure of the baby’s head on the pelvic floor makes her actively push. The cervical canal is fully opened, and the baby is born.

There are contractions, but there is no disclosure – what to do?

The process of preparing for childbirth is not always smooth. Often, contractions are already underway, and the cervical canal is not fully open. How to be in this case?

First, stop being nervous. Stress and fear inhibit the production of prostaglandins, which causes muscle spasm and slows down labor. Second, listen to the doctor and do whatever he says. There is no need to show initiative, argue and be capricious.

Having sex will help you prepare for childbirth. Moreover, it is not the act itself that is important, but the prostaglandins contained in the semen, which accelerate the maturation of the canal.

Medication and non-medication methods will be used to stimulate disclosure. The first include the use of antispasmodics and drugs that enhance labor. In severe cases, an epidural or caesarean section is used.

From non-drug methods, a cleansing enema or a Foley catheter is prescribed. If the treatment is ineffective, the canal is expanded manually. Erection stimulation is performed only in a hospital, as the procedure can cause rapid labor.

When preparing to give a new life, think only of the good. Leave all medical problems to the doctors.

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