International Day Without Paper

On this day, leading companies from various sectors of the economy share their experience in reducing paper consumption. The goal of World Paper Free Day is to show real examples of how organizations, using various technologies, can contribute to the conservation of natural resources.

The uniqueness of this action is that it benefits not only nature, but also business: the use of electronic document management technologies, the optimization of business processes in companies can gradually reduce the cost of printing, storing and transporting paper.

According to the Association for Information and Imaging Management (AIIM), eliminating 1 ton of paper allows you to “save” 17 trees, 26000 liters of water, 3 cubic meters of land, 240 liters of fuel and 4000 kWh of electricity. The trend in the world’s use of paper speaks to the need for collective work to draw attention to this problem. Over the past 20 years, paper consumption has grown by about 20%!

Of course, a complete rejection of paper is hardly achievable and unnecessary. However, the development of advanced technologies in the field of IT and information management makes it possible to make a significant contribution to the conservation of resources both at the level of companies and states, and in the practice of each person.

“I can get through the day without orange juice or sunshine, but going paperless is much harder for me. I decided on this experiment after reading an article about the incredible amount of paper products we Americans use. It said that (about 320 kg) of paper per year! The average Indian uses less than 4,5 kg of paper annually compared to 50 kg worldwide.

Our “appetite” for paper consumption has increased sixfold since 1950, and continues to increase every day. Most importantly, making paper from wood means deforestation and the use of a lot of chemicals, water and energy. In addition, a side effect is environmental pollution. And all this – to create a product that we most often throw away after a single use.

Almost 40% of what a US citizen throws into a landfill is paper. Without a doubt, I decided not to be indifferent to this problem and stop using paper for 1 day. I quickly realized that it must be Sunday when no mail delivery arrives. The article said that each of us receives about 850 unwanted mail sheets every year!

So, my morning began with the realization that I would not be able to eat my favorite cereal because it was sealed in a paper box. Luckily, there were other cereals in a plastic bag and milk in a bottle.

Further, the experiment progressed quite difficult, limiting me in many ways, because I could not prepare semi-finished products from paper packages. For lunch there were vegetables and bread from, again, a plastic bag!

The hardest part of the experience for me was not being able to read. I could watch TV, video, however this was not the best alternative.

During the experiment, I realized the following: the vital activity of the office is impossible without the huge consumption of paper. After all, it is there that, first of all, there is an increase in its use from year to year. Instead of being paperless, computers, faxes and MFPs have backfired the world.

As a result of the experience, I realized that the best thing I can do for the situation right now is to use partially recycled paper, at least. Making paper products from used paper is much less damaging to the environment.”

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