TOP 5 foods that can not be eaten cold

Sometimes there is no time and energy for a warm lunch or dinner, and we hastily snack food straight from the fridge. But you should know that cold food slows down the metabolism and contributes to weight gain. What foods are guaranteed not metabolized in our body if eaten cold?

Red meat

TOP 5 foods that can not be eaten cold

The convenience of cooking meat is that you can eat it in sandwiches and not worry about warming up – it will still be delicious. However, according to nutritionists, red meat is hard to digest and cold, just rejected by the digestive organs that have to work two times more. Undigested protein rapidly enters the small intestine, where should be the breakdown of carbohydrates. Cold protein foods in the intestines get bacteria and make it impossible to continue processing the body’s normal operation.

Coldwater with a meal

TOP 5 foods that can not be eaten cold

Drink food with liquid is a dubious benefit, scientists say. A cold drink is even banned. Water stretches the stomach walls, and to satisfy hunger, you will need much more food the next time. Besides, cold water slows the digestive system and prevents food breakdown in the saliva and gastric juice.

Another pitfall is the fat that comes with the food freezes in the beverages’ cold temperature.

Fatty meals

TOP 5 foods that can not be eaten cold

Heavy, dense multi-component dishes like rice with lamb – not the best option of cold cuts. Much cold butter and fatty meat will create a lot of problems in the digestive system. Can cause pain, indigestion, colic, and bowel obstruction.


TOP 5 foods that can not be eaten cold

There are only cold summer soups made with fresh vegetables, dairy products – they are designed to be absorbed cold and refreshing. The rest of the first nourishing dishes before use should be heated. Otherwise, they will have the same effect as fatty cold fatty dishes.

Tea with honey

TOP 5 foods that can not be eaten cold

A cold drink will not be able to dissolve sticky, viscous honey. However, diluting the honey in hot tea is also impossible because it will lose its beneficial properties. Perfect for adding a bit of honey in a little cold water and then to drink it.

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