How oranges affect vision

The research results, which studied the nature of cataract development in older women, were exciting. As it turned out, eating foods with a high content of vitamin C can significantly protect eyesight.

In the experiment took part 324 sets of twins. For the past 10 years, researchers monitored their diet and course of the disease. In participants who consumed foods with high vitamin C content, the cataract progression was reduced by as much as 33%. Vitamin C has affected the natural moisture of the eye, which protected him from developing the disease.

Ascorbic acid is a lot in:

  • oranges,
  • lemons,
  • red and green peppers,
  • strawberries,
  • broccoli
  • potatoes.

But the vitamin tablets will not help. The researchers said that they did not see a significant risk reduction in people taking vitamin tablets. Therefore, vitamin C must be consumed in the form of fruits and vegetables.

How oranges affect vision

Lead researcher, Professor Chris Hammond from king’s College London, said: “Simple changes in diet such as increased consumption of fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy diet can help protect against cataracts.”

A cataract is a disease that strikes in old age 460 of 1000 women and 260 of 1000 men. It is a clouding of the lens of the eye that affects vision.

More about oranges health benefits and harms read in our big article:


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