The subtleties of catching bream on eggs

White fish are caught in different ways; not all tackle can be used in the current for catching. There are several species that will help you catch really trophy specimens, but you won’t be able to buy them. Homemade products are usually assembled by the anglers themselves, and the catchability of such products is very high. Catching bream for eggs will be described in detail below, it was by this method that many bream hunters managed to catch real giants of this type of cyprinids.

What are “eggs”?

Fishermen with experience, especially lovers of catching bream, such a name as “eggs” is very familiar. A beginner, however, does not immediately manage to understand what is at stake, it is for beginner fishing enthusiasts that we will tell in detail what kind of miracle tackle is and how to use it.

It got its name because of the sinker used, in fact it is he who is the basis. It is a sinker of two lead balls of the same weight, which are connected by a pin. The weight of the balls can be different and is selected individually for each fishing spot.

Through a pin, the sinker is attached to the cord, it is this that will deliver it to the feeder, located at the very bottom of the reservoir. A special feature is the close proximity of the fish bait to the feeder.

The principle of operation is as follows:

  • the sinker is lowered along the cord with bait to the very feeder;
  • the springy mechanism of the pin will not open;
  • a sharp bite or hooking will remove the load from the bait cord, this will be the key to unhindered playing of the hooked trophy.

The use will not allow the leashes to get tangled or overlap with the cord, even a beginner will be able to bring out the fish.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any species has both positive and negative sides, “eggs” for bream are no exception. The anglers who use them distinguish the following advantages:

  • great for fishing on the current;
  • equipment with bait are nearby, and this increases the number of bites;
  • unhindered removal of hooked fish, leashes, base and bait cord do not get confused with each other;
  • ease of manufacture at home;
  • high catch rates.

There are no cons that would discourage the desire to use tackle, sometimes sinkers on a pin can open without biting and hooking. In addition, the use of two or more rods at the same time can lead to confusion in the rigs used.

Otherwise, the reviews are only positive, experienced anglers often use it, and you can catch not only bream, but also other schooling fish both on rivers and on large reservoirs.

Beginners are often interested in whether the installation catches or bugrits ichthy inhabitants. The answer is unambiguous – it only catches, because there are no hooks on the sinkers used, and hooking without a bite is not carried out.


Properly selected components and well-conducted assembly will be the key to catchability. First you need to understand what it consists of, and then study the installation.

The subtleties of catching bream on eggs

It is not difficult to assemble eggs for bream with your own hands, the main thing is to pick up everything you need in advance, and you will need the following:

  • capacious feeder;
  • the cord on which the feeder is lowered;
  • tackle itself.

To collect tackle, you need to know some rules and tricks, and you will need the following ingredients for this:

  • side rod;
  • coil;
  • nod;
  • sinker;
  • the basis;
  • leashes;
  • hooks.

The characteristics of the above components are best provided in the form of a table:

constituentsnecessary requirements
onboard spinningfiberglass spinning rod, length no more than 1,5 m
coilinertialess type with a spool size of not more than 2000, rear friction
nodstiff spring with a bright ball on the tip
sinkerhomemade on a pin, with two lead balls, called “eggs”
basisyou will need at least 50 m of high-quality fishing line, with a diameter of 0,3 mm
leashesfrom a fishing line, from 0,18 mm thick, and a length of at least 50 cm
hooksdepend on the bait used and the expected size of the catch, but not less than 6 according to the European qualification

Feeder and cord for lowering it

Here, too, there are subtleties and nuances, it is not advisable to use an ordinary metal feeder for flow, watermelons and pears will not save for stagnant water. Use a capacious container, preferably made of metal, choose from options from 2 liters or more. It is necessary to lower such a container on the basis of an appropriate strength, usually either a monk at least 1 mm thick or a braided cord from 0,4 mm in diameter is used.

We collect tackle on our own

It is not necessary to run around stores with gear in search of a shortage, it is easier and faster to make it yourself. There are no difficulties in the manufacturing process, even a teenager can do it. The main thing is to stock up on everything you need initially, and you will need the following:

  • two round lead sinkers of the same weight;
  • metal pin.

Tools for manufacturing are useful ordinary ones, those that are often used on the farm.

Work must be done in the following sequence:

  1. Axial holes are made in sinkers.
  2. At the pin, the lock and the point are bitten off.
  3. On an open fire, the ends of the processed pin are “released”, it is better to do this over a gas burner.
  4. The metal ends of the pins are set in parallel.
  5. They are threaded into the holes of the sinkers.
  6. The tips sticking out by 5-7 mm are bent.
  7. With the help of a hammer, the finally protruding tips of the pin are driven into the load.

The following is the collection of gear:

  • enough fishing line is wound on the reel and fixed on the selected form;
  • the base of the tackle is carried out through the rings of the rod and a nod on the whip;
  • a pin with weights is threaded, followed by a bead, larger in diameter from the ear of the pin;
  • then a swivel is tied, on which one or two leashes are mounted.

The subtleties of catching bream on eggs

The tackle is assembled and ready for use, it remains only to find a promising place and try the tackle.

Technique of fishing

Just launching the boat into the water, throwing in the collected tackle and waiting is not quite the right tactic. It is advisable to first explore the reservoir, to find the most suitable places for catching bream using this method. How to do this correctly can be understood by studying the material on our website on this topic.

To achieve success, you need to know and apply the following subtleties in the preparation of bait:

  • the mixture should contain an easily leachable fraction;
  • the main component should be washed out slowly;
  • the composition must necessarily include animal ingredients;
  • flavors are selected depending on weather conditions and fish preferences.

An important point will be its sufficient amount in the feeder, one bookmark should be enough for 2-3 hours.

The catching of “eggs” itself looks like this:

  • the feeder with bait is lowered to the bottom in the chosen place;
  • a load of “eggs” is put on the bait cord;
  • bait is put on the hook of the tackle and lowered to the feeder.

Then it remains to wait for a bite, make a cut and pull out the caught trophy. Bream sometimes have to wait a long time, the smell of bait will not immediately attract him. Anglers with experience know that the wait is worth it, even if the angler sits for an hour, then, if everything was done correctly, bites will follow one after another.

Catching bream for “eggs” will bring pleasure to lovers of calm fishing, waiting will bring trophies to everyone.

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