The return of diapers: what is it?

Key moment of the continuation of diapers: the return of diapers, that is to say the return of the rules. This period is sometimes confused with the small return of diapers: bleeding that often resumes more abundantly for 48 hours, about 10 or 12 days after giving birth approximately but has not yet had a period.

How do I know if my period is back?

After the baby is born, our body goes through a period of rehabilitation, this is called the nappy suites. These end with the reappearance of the rules: it is the return of diapers.

After childbirth, our body begins to secrete hormones such as estrogen and progesterone again. Our cycles slowly fall back into place, and therefore, we will find ourrules. However, breastfeeding promotes the production of prolactin in our body, the hormone that interrupts the sexual cycle. It is therefore difficult to determine with precision the date of the first ovulation after childbirth, which can indeed occur at any time.

Why is it so abundant?

Those are the first menstruation after childbirth known as “return of diapers”. Not to be confused with the little return of diapers : this usually occurs about ten days after childbirth. The bleeding may resume more intensely for 48 hours. Nothing serious, but not to be confused with the return of menstruation. Several months are generally necessary to regain regular cycles.

Breastfeeding or not: when does the return of diapers take place?

If you do not breastfeed, the return of diapers occurs on average six to eight weeks after childbirth. If the baby is breastfed, the return of diapers will be later. This is because prolactin, the hormone stimulated by breastfeeding, delays ovulation. No worries, the rules will arrive at the end of thefeeding, or even several months after the complete stop.

Is it possible to get pregnant without having had a return from diapers?

But beware, one pregnancy can hide another! Near 10% of women ovulate before returning from diapers. In other words, we can get pregnant again even before seeing her period reappear. One thing is certain: breastfeeding is not a contraceptive!

We therefore think of being prescribed a contraception adapted as soon as you leave the maternity ward. There are several methods of female contraception. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. If you are not breastfeeding, the pill can be prescribed from the 15th day after childbirth, otherwise the doctor can offer a micropill, without affecting the milk. For the IUD, most doctors prefer to wait at least two or three months.

The return of diapers in practice: duration, symptoms …

The first period after giving birth are usually more abundant and last a little longer than what you had before you got pregnant. But the good news: in some women, period stomach aches ease or even disappear after pregnancy.

Towels, period panties, tampons?

For lochies and the little return of diapers, gynecologists do not recommend tampons that promote infections, especially if you have had an episiotomy. It is therefore better to favor towels or period panties.

For the “True” return of diapers, we do as we want! In general, new mothers prefer super-absorbent pads (there are “postpartum specials”) to tampons, because of the abundance of bleeding.

Testimonials: mothers tell about their return from diapers!

Nessy’s testimony: “For my part, I gave birth on May 24 … Like all women, nappy suites were more or less long. On the other hand, I never had a return from diapers, yet I did not breastfeed. After several visits to the gynecologist, no explanation could be given. On February 12, miracle, my period reappears! They last a few days and are not abundant, even very light. I make an appointment with my doctor to prescribe the pill. A blood test is planned to rule out pregnancy. Negative result. I continue to wait for my period to take the pill again. But still nothing! After nine days of late period, I have another blood test which turns out to be positive ! The pregnancy is confirmed by my gynecologist. Since the birth of my child, I was completely out of order. My first cycle happened nine months after giving birth, and by the time I should have had my second cycle, I ovulated. So no real return of diapers and second baby scheduled for December. “

Audrey’s testimony: “Each time I have had my return of diapers six weeks after childbirth. For my second, I was on the pill as soon as I returned from maternity. Since I had my first baby, I no longer have regular cycles at all, it’s nonsense! Some cycles can last up to four months or even longer… This has made it difficult to conceive my last two children. According to my doctor, this is a hormonal imbalance which has never been fulfilled. “

Lucie’s testimony: ” I had my diaper return after nine months, when breastfeeding was slowly coming to an end. On the other hand, I resumed contraception as soon as I resumed intercourse. We used condoms while we got my IUD. I was not marked by the abundance of these first periods, but since I had been told that it was “Niagara Falls”, I was perhaps psychologically prepared. The next cycle was longer than normal, over forty days. I then found “normal” cycles. “

Anna’s testimony: “Personally, my return from diapers was very painful. I gave birth on March 25, as soon as I left the maternity ward, the doctor prescribed me the Microval pill (I was breastfeeding). After three weeks I had my return of diapers. My period was heavy for two weeks. I got worried and went to the hospital for tests. Bad luck, I had a vaginal infection. I then changed my mode from contraception. Since I have the vaginal ring, everything is fine. “

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