Pregnancy: the 7 foods to limit

Pregnant: the 7 foods to limit in pictures

Everyone is generally familiar with the main foods that are prohibited during pregnancy. Raw milk cheeses, uncooked or undercooked meats, fish and shellfish, alcohol and raw eggs are some of them. However, this does not mean that all other foods can be consumed at leisure by a pregnant woman. During pregnancy, as for our health in general, certain foods should be consumed in moderation. Because of their presence in caffeine, tea and coffee should be limited, at the risk of inducing agitation in the fetus. Other foods should be avoided as a precaution, especially since they are generally not essential. Discover in pictures the main foods to limit during your pregnancy.

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    It is not recommended to consume more than 3 cups of coffee per day during pregnancy because it is possible that beyond that, the fetus or the newborn will have an acceleration of the heartbeats (reversible tachycardia and cardiac aphasia) or that ‘ he is restless. Certain scientific studies also highlight the danger of excessive coffee for the health of the fetus, but they remain controversial since the biggest consumers of coffee are often smokers.

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    For the same reasons as for coffee, tea and also to limit to 3 cups per day. Theine is indeed the same molecule as caffeine, but is assimilated more slowly by the body. In the same vein, all other caffeine-based drinks (especially cola) should be limited. In addition, if tea is taken around meals, the tannins it contains decrease the absorption of iron. Not ideal during pregnancy, when iron needs are high. Better to limit yourself to 3 cups of tea per day, if possible separated by meals.

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    Certain species of fish

    It is advisable to limit the consumption of carnivorous fish likely to be heavily contaminated with methyl mercury to 150 g per week. This pollutant from the heavy metal family is indeed likely to cause neurological problems in the unborn child.

    Here are the species concerned: monkfish, Atlantic wolf, bonito, eel and elver, emperor, orange roughy or Mediterranean roughy, pomegranate, Atlantic halibut, cardine, mullet, pike, palomete, Mediterranean capelin, common pailona, ​​rays, big redfish , Atlantic sailboat, silver scabbard and black scabbard, sea bream, pageot, black or stromaté escolier, rouvet, snake escolier, sturgeon, tuna …

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    Synthetic sweeteners

    It is better to limit synthetic sweeteners and in particular aspartame and acesulfame-K. They have no nutritional value. In addition, a Danish study found an increased risk of premature birth in pregnant women who consumed diet drinks. Even if scientific evidence is lacking to show the dangerousness of sweeteners during pregnancy, it is better to limit their consumption as a precaution.

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    Soy products

    We limit soy foods (soy milk, tofu, soy desserts): no more than one per day. Their richness in phytoestrogens could have harmful consequences on the sexual maturation of the baby.

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    Foie gras

    And yes, it is almost the only holiday food that a pregnant woman can consume without fear. However, some precautions are in order. Homemade foie gras, such as foie gras terrine, or even those sold by the caterer and finally the cooked half which can be carriers of listeria, a bacterium dangerous for the fetus, is prohibited. We opt for a pre-packaged foie gras whose traceability is more certain.

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    Anti-cholesterol products enriched with phytosterols

    These foods (margarines, yogurts, milk drinks, etc.) are reserved for people who have “too much cholesterol”. Even if this is your case, it is not recommended to consume it while pregnant because the possible risks for you and your child are not currently known. Phytosterols would thus be accused of reducing the absorption of vitamin A, essential for the growth of the fetus. If in doubt, it is better to avoid or at least limit their consumption.

In video: Pregnancy What do I eat for us?

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