The Real Properties of Silver Water: More Harm or Good

The Real Properties of Silver Water: More Harm or Good

Many people believe in the miraculous properties of water in which a silver spoon or jewelry made of this metal was laid. But is it worth drinking such water? Let’s figure it out together with an expert.

People noticed the unusual properties of silver for a long time. Even the ancient Romans concluded about its healing qualities: the warriors of the upper class who drank from silver cups on campaigns suffered from gastrointestinal disorders much less often than ordinary soldiers who drank from pewter dishes. And the water in silver jugs does not deteriorate for a very long time.

What is Silver Water

Silver water is obtained by spraying silver microparticles in distilled water. Due to the fact that the size of silver particles is many times smaller than bacteria, they are able to penetrate into the very nucleus of the virus and destroy it.

The maximum allowable dose of silver for a person is no more than 50 micrograms per liter of water. Silver belongs to heavy metals, and according to sanitary norms and rules – to the second class of hazard.

There is no scientific evidence that drinking this water has a positive effect on health. In addition, silver does not participate in the metabolic processes of the body, our body simply does not need it.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration even issued an official warning: Silver water or biological additives with silver cannot be taken inside.

The harm of silver water

The same American experts have found that drinking silver water can have quite serious consequences.

First, the silver has the property of accumulating in the body, being deposited in tissues. In this case, the mucous membranes from pale pink become bluish-gray, change the color of the whites of the eyes, gums and nails. And in combination with proteins, silver is also deposited in the skin, causing it to darken, especially when exposed to sunlight. This condition is called argyria. It is not dangerous to health, but the new color of the skin and mucous membranes remains with a person forever. It is unlikely that this affects the appearance in the best way.

Second, the silver destroys the action of some drugs. For example, antibiotics and medicines used to treat thyroid disorders. Silver simply blocks the action of the active substance, nullifying the benefits of the treatment.

Therefore, it is better not to experiment with drinking such water.

What is the use of silver water

There is still benefit in it. But not in the case of ingestion of such a dubious “medicine”. As it turns out, silver does indeed have antiseptic properties. For example, bacteria that cause poisoning die in silver water in a maximum of two hours – it all depends on the concentration of silver ions in the water.

But it can only be applied externally. For example, rinsing your eyes with conjunctivitis, rinsing your mouth with stomatitis, treating wounds and burns with silver water – this helps to disinfect the skin or mucous membranes.

External use:

  • blepharitis;

  • conjunctivitis;

  • eye injury;

  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat and mouth;

  • stomatitis;

  • skin lesions: wounds, dermatitis, redness, etc.

  • fungus of nails and feet.

Doctor-therapist of the Dialine clinic. Work experience – since 2010.

The bactericidal property of silver and water enriched with it can be clearly noted. Yes, indeed, in the old days (for example, in Egypt) silver dishes were used among the upper classes, in which food did not spoil longer. As a rule, the food retained its freshness and original taste, as the silver interfered with the fermentation and acidification processes.

As for the extraordinary “healing” properties of silver water, a certain ritual of the very process of enrichment of distilled or ordinary drinking water by means of silver spoons and special silver ionizers plays a role. One must believe very strongly in favor of such water. For some, this is a relic of the past, when people used any properties of metals in different branches of life in the absence of alternatives. Others find this method effective and applicable today. Traditional, evidence-based medicine does not use silver water as a medicine!

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