The negative influence of the media on society leads to depression

Women who often watch TV and read magazines are increasingly dissatisfied with their bodies due to the disagreement between the image of the ideal self and the image from the cover or screen.

University of Wisconsin-Madison psychologists Shelly Grabe and Janet Hyde analyzed seventy-seven previous studies, involving more than fifteen thousand people, and concluded that the negative influence of the media is increasing every year.

“It doesn’t matter where the image was seen – in a glossy magazine, on TV or in advertising on the Internet,” psychologists say. According to them, all their efforts are undermined by the influence of the media.

“This suggests that despite our best efforts to educate women to be critical of media information and to lead a healthy lifestyle, the impact of the media, which implants in their minds the idea of ​​a thin figure as the ideal, is increasing,” says Shelley Grabe.

“It’s absolutely normal for a woman to want to look attractive. But in our society, the concept of attractiveness has become associated with propagated non-existent ideals, ”added Shelley Grabe. In her opinion, the problem is not that people like a beautiful body, but that an unnatural and unhealthy body is considered beautiful.

Based on materials

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