The benefits and harms of saffron milk caps

The benefits and harms of saffron milk caps

The mushroom of the Mlechnik genus is highly valued and is considered a delicacy in many traditional cuisines of the world; doctors also recognize it as useful. In terms of the content of vitamins, it is in no way inferior to fruits and vegetables. It contains a large number of amino acids and a natural antibiotic – lactarioviolin. In addition, the benefits and harms of saffron milk caps, which are equated in protein content with animal meat, lie in their high nutritional qualities.

The presence of antioxidants is an essential benefit of saffron milk caps for our immune system. The product helps to fight infections. The high concentration of calcium involved in bone formation allows it to be recommended for patients with arthritis and osteoporosis.

Due to its zero fat content and lack of cholesterol, the benefits of saffron milk caps are known for diabetics. The product can be used in anti-obesity diets and for the prevention of heart disease. In addition to the above healing qualities, the mushroom is known as a good aphrodisiac that raises potency in men.

The benefits of saffron milk caps are being closely studied by scientists today, due to the presence of selenium in them. Clinical trials of the effect of the substance on malignant tumor have led to the conclusion that it reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer by more than 50%.

Researchers at the University of Baltimore drew attention to the fact that analyzes of men with prostate cancer are low in selenium and vitamin D, which is also present in large quantities in mushrooms. Popular rumor says that if you take 100 grams of saffron milk caps daily, the effect of the product on the body will be equal to the full course of chemotherapy treatment.

The mushroom is not recommended for patients with low acidity. Doctors note the harm of saffron milk caps for people with cholecystitis and pancreatitis. Due to the fact that the delicacy is poorly digested, it should be taken in limited quantities for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The harm of saffron milk caps is known for people suffering from poor intestinal permeability, the product can provoke constipation.

The harm of mushrooms can be observed in cases where mushrooms are confused with their inedible counterparts, surprisingly similar to their counterparts useful to humans. Poisonous mushrooms cause severe poisoning, convulsions, nausea, vomiting, even insanity and death.

It is worth noting that the benefits and harms of saffron milk caps are strictly individual and depend on human health and the amount of delicacies eaten. Despite some restrictions on the use of the product, it is appreciated and loved by gourmets all over the world. Until a few centuries ago, they cost more than branded French perfumes. Today, mushrooms remain welcome guests on the table of every hostess and favorites in the restaurant menu.

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