The benefits and harms of marmalade

Marmalade is considered a dietary dessert, it is easy to make at home and can be bought in any supermarket. Therefore, this sweetness causes a lot of controversy around itself – how much is it good and is there any harm from marmalade?

For the first time, French chefs made marmalade by accident – the jam being cooked was so boiled down that it turned out to be hard. They cut him up like candy and took the idea into service. Today, marmalade can be chewy, jelly, berry and fruit.

Composition and calorie content of marmalade

The composition of the marmalade is simple. It necessarily contains a gelling component – gelatin, agar-agar or pectin. Each of these substances in itself is already useful for the human body, and therefore the benefits of marmalade are unambiguous. Jujube contains a lot of sodium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. The calorie content of marmalade is 321 kcal per 100 grams.


The benefits of marmalade

The most commonly used ingredient in marmalade is pectin. It is found in apples and other fruits and has a positive effect on our body. Pectin lowers cholesterol levels, restores carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, fights diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates rapid healing of damaged skin areas, and helps cleanse the body of heavy metals.

Agar-agar, which is also used for gelling marmalade, normalizes liver function and helps the body get rid of toxins and toxins, improves gastric motility. Since agar-agar is obtained from algae, it contains a lot of iodine, which is important for people suffering from thyroid diseases.

The use of marmalade has a positive effect on the brain and helps to recuperate after mental and physical exertion.

Worth the jam

Industrial production of marmalade is impossible without artificial colors, chemical additives that can provoke an allergic reaction. Better to cook the marmalade yourself.

Marmalade can also provoke an excess of iodine in the body if prepared on the basis of agar-agar.

Due to its increased sweetness, marmalade is contraindicated for diabetics – a special sugar-free marmalade is made for them.

Like any other sweetness, marmalade can provoke diseases of the oral cavity in children – in particular, tooth decay.

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