The 12 best antifungals (natural, effective and in your kitchen)


A few weeks ago I started looking for a powerful and natural antifungal. In the fight against candida and yeast infections (for any type of yeast infection or candidiasis, a good antifungal is essential). And I’ve found that almost everyone has at least one natural antifungal in their kitchen.

Obviously, here I am not talking about antifungal creams or ointments which can be useful for topical application, but which cannot be used for long-term background treatment.

So good news, no need to break the bank. There are extremely powerful and effective natural alternatives (be careful to follow the recommendations: who says natural does not necessarily mean safe).

Caprylic acid

The 12 best antifungals (natural, effective and in your kitchen)

Caprylic acid, a natural antifungal.

Caprylic acid medically called acanoic acid is a saturated fatty acid used in the treatment of fungi and yeast infections like candida albican.

It is generally contained in certain foods such as coconut, breast milk, cow’s milk, palm oil. Coconut remains a very rich source of caprylic acid.

Unlike antibiotics or chemical treatments that will kill both good and bad bacteria, caprylic acid is a natural treatment that only inhibits bad bacteria (1).

It is in coconut oil that we find caprylic acid. The latter has an important role in strengthening your immunity. It has also been shown that people who consume coconut as a main food, suffer less from candidiasis.

Indeed, this fatty acid would protect against the fermentation of fungi. It is responsible for regulating the development of bacteria in the body, by reducing the overabundance of yeasts.

Click for more information:

9 good reasons to use coconut oil every day

So, what is the point of talking about this acid among so many others?

The human body is exposed to all kinds of attacks and infections viral, microbial, bacterial and so on.

If you consume caprylic acid, you prevent your body from infections of various types, in particular candida albicans in the intestinal flora.

To combat candida albicans especially, look no further, caprylic acid is one of the best remedies. If you’re often constipated, bloated, or have irritable bowel syndrome, try caprylic acid (2).

The benefits

Prevention of infections

So, what is the point of talking about this acid among so many others?

The human body is exposed to all kinds of attacks and infections viral, microbial, bacterial and so on.

If you consume caprylic acid, you prevent your body from infections of various types, in particular candida albicans in the intestinal flora.

To combat candida albicans especially, look no further, caprylic acid is one of the best remedies. If you’re often constipated, bloated, or have irritable bowel syndrome, try caprylic acid (2).

Candida albicans

Candida albican is a fungal infection (caused by a fungus). They thrive on moisture and can affect plants, animals and humans.

In the human body, they generally develop in the gastrointestinal tract, the vaginal, anal and oral routes.

Studies conducted by the University of Connecticut in the United States have shown that caprylic acid is very effective against this species of fungus. In fact, five different fungi have been linked to caprylic acid.

Caprylic acid was found not to act on fungi with an envelope.

For fungi that do not have an envelope, caprylic acid has a lesser effect. However, caprylic acid acts effectively against candida albicans, an envelope fungus.

Hence the importance of consuming coconut oil or caprylic acid in capsules, tablets when you have this infection.

Protection of the immune system

Caprylic acid protects the immune system in that your immune system is strong when there are fewer bad bacteria and more good bacteria.

However, this acid by considerably reducing the bad bacteria in your body Without harming the good bacteria leads to general well-being and to a more defensive immune system.

Protection from many types of infections

Studies published on the American research site show (3) the action of caprylic acid in treatments against urinary tract infections, respiratory tract infections, dental infections, wounds that are slow to heal …

The researchers were able to make the link between the rapid recovery of the patient and the use of high doses of caprylic acid in the treatments. Unlike many other antibiotics, it is very effective and has no side effects (4).

Functioning on the body

Contrary to what I have read on some blogs, caprylic acid does not kill candida albicans. It dissolves the membranes that cover the yeast cells, causing infections.

It prevents yeasts from growing or reproducing. It is therefore considered by this action that caprylic acid is a regulator of yeast proliferation.

Use and recommendation

It is recommended that you consume 1000 mg of caprylic acid per day over two weeks. It exists in various forms including capsules. I advise you to take it in tablet form instead.

Indeed, doctors have found that caprylic acid capsules are digested more easily and quickly by the small intestine.

However, candida albican, for example, develops in the large intestine and the colon. Caprylic acid capsules cannot reach the large intestine to inhibit the action of these yeasts.

Unlike capsules, caprylic acid tablets are not digested by the small intestine. They descend to the level of the large intestine to counter the effect of yeasts and fungi.

Use Case

  • The intake of natural capsules of 1000 to 2000 mg is as follows:
  • 3 x per day (before meals) / for 3 to six months
  • Coconut oil should be taken regularly
  • In the morning on an empty stomach, before meals, in the evening when going to bed (2 to 4 tablespoons

The 12 best antifungals (natural, effective and in your kitchen)


You can use caprylic acid, found in coconut, in the form of an enteric capsule or in liquid form (coconut oil). This natural antifungal will be absorbed by the part most affected by the overgrowth, the lower intestines


Grapefruit seed extract

  The 12 best antifungals (natural, effective and in your kitchen)

The benefits

The story goes that research into the benefits of grapefruit extracts started from the curiosity of young researcher Jacob Harish. The latter inadvertently bit into a grapefruit seed.

Joining years later with other researchers engaged in the research of bacteria, viruses and infections. Several studies have been carried out from there.

Antifungal, antibacterial and antimicrobial, antiviral

Grapefruit seed extract is a powerful antibacterial and antimicrobial. Indeed, it has been found to be more effective than bleach in the fight against microbials (1).

In your body, this extract fights viruses, microbes, bacteria and all types of yeast. It is also used externally to fight germs.

Use it for the treatment of your hair and scalp, in case of rhinitis-sinusitis, against chapped lips, cold sores. Or even against nail infections …

Grapefruit seeds are a powerful germicide against many viruses, bacteria and fungi. Its extracts are most often used, because they only have an effect on harmful bacteria in our body. They thus help to preserve the normal rate of candida albicans in the intestinal flora.

They are not toxic, it will be enough to just respect the prescribed doses. They have an impact on immunity, thanks to its compounds rich in biflavonoids and narginine

The extracts grapefruit seeds (EPP) are actually nutrient extracts from grapefruit seeds, pulp and flesh.

Against athlete’s feet

Grapefruit seed extracts are used in the treatment of athlete’s foot. Indeed, several creams, lotions and products used to treat athlete’s feet contain this precious extract.

And what are you waiting for to naturally treat your athlete’s feet?

Against the flu, angina

Consume 1 to 2 capsules of grapefruit seed extract if you have sore throat, cough, flu, or a cold.

Failing to take capsules, dilute 15-20 drops of seed extracts in a juice

of fruit sweet. It is quite bitter the grapefruit seed extract.

Acne treatment

Try after cleansing your face. Use drops of seed extract (diluted) that you massage in a circular pattern on your face. Pay particular attention to the areas affected by acne.

Clean your food

To thoroughly clean your lettuce leaves, cabbage, or your fruits and vegetables in general, add 10 to 15 drops of seed extracts to your container with water. Mix and add the food to be disinfected a few minutes before removing it.

Against diarrhea

The grapefruit extract being an anti fungal, it effectively fights against candida albicans as well as all infections related to the digestive system. Use about 50 drops per day divided into several doses.

This will allow you to effectively fight diarrhea. Pour 10 to 15 drops in a glass of water or natural juice. Take again after 4 hours apart.

To prevent yeast overgrowth, take a few drops of grapefruit seed extract from time to time.

Against sinusitis

In a tablespoon, put two drops of seed extracts. Add a pinch of salt. Use a drip to put it in your nostrils

All-round disinfectant

You can use grapefruit seed extract to clean your floors, carpets, pet hair, laundry.

Farmers use grapefruit seed extracts in livestock feed. This is to prevent infections, viruses in general and to support the immune system of animals (2).

The functioning

Grapefruit seed extracts contain antioxidants and ascorbic acid. It also contains naringenin, a flavonoid that acts as an antioxidant in the body.

Through the ascorbic acid it contains, the seed extract acts as a germicide in your body. It is a powerful antifungal, antiviral without side effects.It acts by disorganizing the membrane of microorganisms.

It is used in hospitals and in inhalers to control, fight the spread of germs, bacteria.

Use Case

  • For the conservation of cosmetic products: 1 drop for 250 ml
  • For foot infections (all kinds): pour 10 drops in an egg cup of oil
  • Acne, face care: massage your face with a few drops. You can dilute as per your convenience
  • Psoriasis: dilute 10 drops in argan oil for foot massage
  • Internally: it acts against candida albicans, intestinal dysfunctions, allergies, flu-like conditions …


Grapefruit seed extracts or grapefruit juice interact with statin drugs by increasing their dose.

Myalgia, chronic muscle pain occurs when the dose of the statin in your body is high. Gold grapefruit seed extracts increase the effect of statins in the body.

Hence the interest in respecting the prescribed doses. If you are taking any medication, ask your doctor for advice before consuming more than half a glass of grapefruit juice or consuming grapefruit seed extract.

For external use, dilute 3 drops of grapefruit seed extract in 1 tbsp.

To disinfect utensils, surfaces, linen, food or other, pour about 20 drops in 100 cl of water.

It can also be used in children to fight against diarrhea, wounds, infections …

Use Case

  • The concentrated grapefruit seed extract is taken daily, two to three drops per day
  • If you prefer the diluted solution, consume 5 to 10 drops diluted in a glass of water. It will cleanse the digestive tract of excess candida.

Oleic acid

The 12 best antifungals (natural, effective and in your kitchen)

Oleic acid is a monounsaturated fatty acid (AGM), also called omega-9. It is present in some foods. Olive oil for example is mainly contained in oleic acid.

Beyond its antifungal properties, oleic acid has several other benefits for your body.

The properties of oleic acid found in olive oil

Oleic acid stops the abnormal development of candida in the intestine. And thereby regulates the rate of candida albicans, which our body needs.

Oleic acid also helps strengthen our immune system, because it provides white blood cells with regenerating elements, while at the same time ensuring cell development. Olive oil has virtues recognized for the well-being of the intestine and the body in general.

The benefits

Beyond its antifungal properties, oleic acid has several other benefits for your body.

Maintain normal blood cholesterol levels

The European health authorities expressed their opinion in 2012 on the effectiveness of food supplements in the treatment of certain diseases.

They felt that if oleic acid based foods can claim to stabilize blood cholesterol levels. It is different for foods containing olive oil.

Indeed, the olive oil consumed is certainly rich in oleic acid does not concentrate enough oleic acid to act significantly on the blood cholesterol level.

Moreover, oleic acid although it has positive effects on the blood cholesterol level has none on the blood triglyceride level.

Against ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the lining of the colon. People who consume oleic acid on a regular basis have an 89% chance of not developing ulcerative colitis.

Arachidonic acid (AA), polyunsaturated fatty acid-6 is a precursor of ulcerative colitis. Arachidonic acid (AA) is found in foods such as meat, butter, etc.

However, oleic acid inhibits the activity of arachidonic acid (AA). This study was conducted in the UK on more than 25 men and women aged 000 to 40 (79).

Against type 2 diabetes

In a study conducted in 2009 in Naples, Italy on 215 people, it was argued that oleic acid makes it possible to better synthesize blood glucose.

People who took oleic acid were able to control their blood sugar levels better compared to those who did not.

Against heart problems

Oleic acid helps maintain the balance of lipid metabolism and reduce bad fat.

For a diet containing 30-40% fat, it is important to consume 15-20% oleic acid or AGM (Monounsaturated fatty acid) in order to limit the effects of saturated fatty acids (SFA). Oleic acid therefore exerts a favorable effect on the lipid profile to maintain balance in the blood.

Functioning on the body

The oleic acid in your body helps soften the artery walls, which promotes low blood pressure.

The action of oleic acid is also intended to provide energy to your body. It also has a positive effect on cholesterol and inflammation (2).

Use Case

It is recommended to consume 25 g of Omega 9 fatty acid daily for women. For men, the daily consumption is 35g.

If you consume olive oil instead, consume 6 tablespoons of olive oil divided into 3 times a day.

I advise you in case of oral candidiasis to impregnate a cotton ball with olive oil. Then pass this cotton in your mouth. Insist on the gums and walls.

In the case of vaginal infections, use cotton wool soaked in olive oil. Pass it on the level of the groin, the lips.

Oleic acid will have a greater action since it acts directly on the affected area.

Remember that oleic acid does not fully play its role unless it is combined with other omega 3 and 6 fatty acids (3).

To know

For people taking blood thinners, it is best to avoid oleic acid. In fact, it has a thinning effect and could therefore inhibit the action of anticoagulant drugs.

If you also have surgery to do, avoid consuming oleic acid in the days before or after the operation.

Use Case

  • The daily dosage of olive oil 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 3 x per day, and every day for 4-6 months, will give positive results


Take olive oil outside of meals, and cold. Because heated, it loses the effectiveness of its oleic acid.

The olive oil-based treatment is taken regularly. A diet of about a year, and this daily, will overcome (in part) candidiasis, and restore the balance of the rate of candida albicans in the body.

To read: Candida Albicans: Here’s How To Get Rid Of It!

The arrowhead

The 12 best antifungals (natural, effective and in your kitchen)

Le pau d’arco comes from the bark of a tree called Tabebuïa Avellanedae. It is also one of the few trees that is completely immune to any infection caused by fungi. This is one of the reasons it is used as an anti fungal against candidiasis.

It is a powerful anti viral and antibiotic which combines xyloidine and lapachol. This traditional medicinal plant is also used against many other carcinogenic and bacterial ailments as well as in the treatment of multiple tumors.


Against respiratory problems

Originally the Amerindians used Pau d’Arco to fight against respiratory problems, asthma…. Pau d’Arco is also used in traditional African medicines to fight against respiratory problems.

These people boiled the bark collected for several minutes. When the water is collected, it is made into a steam bath using a container. It is very effective.

The boiling water in the container is placed right in front of the patient who is usually shirtless and in a seated position. We cover it with a very thick blanket. Under the action of Pau d’Arco and the steam, the patient sweats profusely.

Blood purification

Pau d’Arco is a cleanser. Its many active ingredients cleanse and purify the blood of stored toxins. It therefore allows blood to circulate more easily in the body.

It allows better aeration of the blood. In general, it is an ally for the blood system (1).

In his book entitled ” Honnete herbal foster ” published in the United States, the therapist Tyler Varron E. explains how Pau d’Arco can treat various diseases.

Against fevers

It is the same steam bath process used in the case of chills, fevers, malaria and several other diseases of the genre. The patient usually does this two to three times a day.

It is ensured whenever it sweats profusely, a sign that the properties of the remedy have penetrated the body under the effect of heat.

In winter, hot tea from Pau d’Arco will do you a lot of good. Not only for general well-being, but for the prevention of tonsillitis, flu, sore throats and others.

Anti fungal

Pau d’Arco being an antifungal, it helps fight effectively against infections of the mouth, skin, or genitals. In addition, you can treat your scalp in case of infection with Pau d’Arco (2).

This by a rental application on the infected parts.

In traditional African medicines, the steam of Pau d’Arco is used to treat women after childbirth. This vaginal steam bath (sitz bath) heals childbirth very quickly and prevents all kinds of infections.

The water collected from Pau d’Arco is also used for women’s private toilets. In a lukewarm state, use this water if you have itching or infections on that side.

You can also use it for eczema, herpes, acne, and all kinds of skin infections.

How it works in your body

The Arco park is made up of several:

  • Antioxidants including Lapachon, xylidine
  • flavonoids,
  • alkaloids,
  • minerals
  • Trace elements,
  • quinones

Pau d’Arco owes its particularity to Lapachon.

Quinones are very reactive organisms (15) present in this bark and which act on the immune system.

Xylidine is also another quinone contained in Pau d’Arco. Its particularity is to destroy bacteria and antifungal infections.

From various studies, we realize that each quinone acts in a particular way on a part of the body (3).

Use and recommendation

You have Pau d’Arco in various forms:

  • Decoction
  • capsules
  • extracts
  • Tea

Since Pau d’Arco is a thinner, it is not recommended for hemophiliacs. Hemophilia is an inherited disease characterized by a tendency to bleed; therefore a difficulty for the patient’s blood to clot.

If you suffer from this disease or are predisposed, consult your doctor before consuming pau d’arco.

In addition, avoid consuming it before and after surgery to avoid any drug interactions with coagulant drugs.

Respect the doses of consumption. You may have diarrhea or vomiting in excess.

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Use Case

  • Pau d’arco can be taken as tea, several times a day
  • For this, it will be enough to prepare a decoction of the bark of the tree, sift and take it several times a day.
  • For more efficiency, it will be necessary to boil about 15 to 50 grams of powdered inner bark, for about 10 minutes, in half a liter of water


Against vaginal candidiasis, we will simply soak tampons with the decoction, which will be changed after 24 hours

Oregano essential oil

The 12 best antifungals (natural, effective and in your kitchen)

Among the treatments based on natural plants, figure prominently oregano oil.

The role of oregano essential oil

Oregano oil is a very effective antifungal against the effects of excess Candida albicans in the body. It destroys germs harmful to the balance of the intestinal flora.

For this, it is important to control the catches. Because they can have side effects, such as allergic reactions in the most fragile patients.

Oregano essential oil is an antifungal. It is a little viscous, spicy, pungent and almost colorless.


For hair

Because oregano essential oil is an antifungal, it is essential for the treatment of the scalp.

Whether to fight against fungi and infections of all kinds. Or to relax the scalp and allow good blood circulation in the skull.

Whether it is also for the growth of your hair. Whether it is to have beautiful hair, careful, and in perfect health, I recommend oregano essential oil for your hair beauty.

For your skin

Oregano essential oil (1) contains carvacrol, an organic compound that acts in the cells of the epidermis. In case of skin infections, herpes, fungal infections, acne, insect bites and others, make a local application of this oil with a mild oil.

You can directly massage the affected part with a few drops of diluted oil, or soak a cotton ball. At first you will feel tingling, this is not a big deal, it just proves that the antiseptic effect of this essential oil is working.

Against athlete’s feet

If you have athlete’s feet, massage your feet with oregano essential oil. Better soak your feet in a solution: lukewarm water-essential oils.

A eubiotic

Saying that oregano essential oil is a eubiotic means that it only kills harmful germs, sparing the good bacteria.

As a natural antifungal, this essential oil works better than an antibiotic in treating fungal infections.

A relaxant

Oregano essential oil is used in SPAs for relaxation. Either it is diluted in massage water, or it is applied diluted in a mild oil for body massage.

Its properties make it possible to relieve the pressure and to feel a general well-being.

In case of depression, concentration disorder, general fatigue or nervous disorders, use this essential oil to overcome your problems.

How it works in your body

It is composed of powerful organics such as phenols, terpene alcohol, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes.

Carvacrol and thymol also make its popularity. They are certainly toxic (in high dose), but are powerful anti fungal, anti microbial.

Carcavol and thymol kill candida albicans by dehydrating them.

Oregano essential oil typically contains 70% carvacrol. It exists more and more in the form of prolonged-release tablet, which will gradually release the properties of this oil in the body.

Use Case

  • Inhalation: you can pour a few drops of oregano essential oil into your handkerchief and inhale

I do not recommend doing a steam bath only with this oil and hot water. Instead, mix it with other milder oils for better effect.

Indeed, the essential oil of oregano contains phenol, and other compounds, which are more aggressive. A mixture of milder essential oils and water will therefore do the trick.

  • Skin application: Since it is aggressive, do not apply it directly to the skin to avoid irritation. Dilute a few drops of the oil in mild essential oils.

Immerse your cotton in it to make a skin application. You can mix it with olive oil for example.

  • Orally: dilute 1 drop of oregano essential oil in a teaspoon of honey or olive oil and consume directly. You can consume this 3 times a day.
  • Culinary: you can flavor your cakes, dishes, smoothies with the essential oil of oregano. Depending on the amount, add 1 or more drops of essential oil.
  • For your hair: You can add it to your shampoos, creams and other hair products to benefit from its benefits. You can also use it in an oil bath.


  • Avoid for pregnant and breastfeeding women
  • Avoid direct consumption of essential oil of oregano to a child under the age of 15. On the other hand, for dishes flavored with this oil, no problem, he can enjoy it.

Another thing before leaving us, Health Canada wanted to ban the sale of essential oil of oregano for the risks of toxin related. A 70kg individual should not exceed 15,4 mg (micrograms) per day. So be careful.

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Use Case

  • Regarding oregano oil, the recommended dosage is 0,2 milliliters to 0,4 ml per dose
  • Repeat the intake twice a day, taking care to do so between meals. It is also possible to take it in the form of gastro-resistant capsules.


If you have any side effects, it will be necessary to stop the treatment and see the doctor. Oregano oil against candida is an alternative to caprylic acid for example.

The berbérine

The 12 best antifungals (natural, effective and in your kitchen)


It is a plant alkaloid which covers multiple virtues (see our article on the benefits of berberine).


Against type 2 cancer

Berberine stimulates APKM (Adenosine Mono phosphate activated protein Kinase) for better glucose conversion. The consumption of berberine also causes the liver to produce less glucose.

Insulin resistance characterizes, among other things, type 2 diabetes. However, the active ingredients of berberine strongly reduce this resistance to insulin.

This is why several researchers have been able to see in berberine a natural extract, plant and without side effects to fight effectively against diabetes (1).

Against cardiovascular disease

The excess of cholesterol in the blood will cause a deposit of fatty plaques on the walls of the arteries, These become more rigid and narrow preventing a good blood circulation.

This condition usually leads to cardiovascular events. However, berberine reduces blood lipids just like blood glucose. The action of berberine greatly reduces bad cholesterol and promotes the rise of good cholesterol.

A study (2) carried out in China on 84 patients clearly attests to this.

A powerful antifungal

Bifidobacteria are the good bacteria present in our intestinal flora. They play an important role in the balance of the immune system.

Among other things, they allow the assimilation of certain vitamins. They activate certain nutrients which are not active on their own.

These good bacteria coexist with the bad bacteria which accumulate through the effect of toxins, certain drugs such as antibiotics or the consumption of certain foods.

No worries when your good bacteria have the upper hand. But sometimes the enemies become too numerous and visibly threaten your immune balance.

The assets of berberine consumed therefore act as reinforcements to destroy bad bacteria. It therefore follows a great destruction and cleansing of the intestinal flora. In this way, the balance is always preserved and you are protected from various diseases (3).

Against abdominal fat

Berberine stimulates the action of the APKM enzyme (Adenosine Mono phosphate activated protein Kinase) in the conversion of lipids and glucose.

Implicitly, berberine helps to suck up abdominal fat. It is the same effect with the destruction of fat in the walls of the arteries.

Anti aging

The American doctor Whitaker, precursor of the introduction of berberine in the medical world in the United States maintains that berberine in addition to controlling the blood sugar level, protects cells from premature aging.

Do you often have cravings for sweets and bread, abdominal pain sometimes accompanied by itching? Have you been diagnosed with candidiasis? So know that a natural treatment is the solution to easily overcome this pathology.

Berberine, a natural antifungal extracted from plants

Berberine is extracted from a Chinese and American plant. Its effectiveness is undoubtedly due to its alkaloidal properties, which promote a regularization of the balance of the rate of candida albicans in the intestinal flora.

It makes it possible to fight against many varieties of yeasts and fungi, among which, the overload of Candida albicans. Its impact on this germ is more effective than that of other natural antifungals.

It has many properties including:

  • Strengthening immunity;
  • The destruction of yeasts due to candidiasis and many other viruses and bacteria;
  • The regeneration of bacteria useful for the intestinal flora;
  • The anti diarrheal virtues, even for the most chronic.

Functioning in the body

The APKM enzyme (Adenosine Mono phosphate activated protein Kinase) is the regulator of your basal metabolism. It plays several essential roles in your body, including converting food (lipids and glucose) into cellular energy in the body (4).

It is made by the body. Berberine is interesting because it is it that stimulates the APKM enzyme.

By thus stimulating this enzyme, berberine also participates in the transformation of food into cellular energy. In addition, its active ingredients act on the body at various levels as briefly mentioned in the benefits of berberine.

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Use Case

  • It should be remembered here that this anti fungal must be taken as a food supplement, in order to obtain even more effective results.
  • The dosage of berberine is three doses of 500 mg per day, for at least 3 months.
  • Even if the results start to be visible after two weeks of regular intake, it is important to prolong the treatment for even more effective results.

Consume 500mg-2000mg per day of berberine. This in 2-3 doses during the day to avoid the risk of insomnia.

In addition, consume it before meals to allow a better action on glucose and lipids in the body.

Consume your berberine capsules for at least 3 months to feel the effects.

In general, from two weeks the benefits begin to appear.

In any case, refer to the recommendations in the package leaflet.


Medication contraindication :

Berberine is not recommended for pregnant women because taking it in this state would cause the uterus to contract. It is also not recommended for breastfeeding women

  • Avoid consuming large doses to avoid the risk of diarrhea, stomach cramps

Berberine-based plants were used in traditional medicines to thin the periods of patients. It is therefore not recommended for pregnant women to consume berberine extracts, it is better to talk to your doctor.

  • If you are subjected to drugs such as paracetamol, avoid taking berberine. Paracetamol only becomes active in our body under the effect of the CYP3A4 enzyme.

Berberine inhibits this enzyme, making it unfit to treat us. So ask your doctor for advice before taking berberine.

  • Berberine is hypoglycemic. Be careful with its use because high doses can cause a sudden drop in blood sugar levels.


The 12 best antifungals (natural, effective and in your kitchen)


For hair

To combat dandruff and hair loss, you can use a ginger-based solution. Ginger lotions are also sold for hair maintenance especially gray hair (1).

At home, mix sesame oil with ginger (juice, powder). Massage your hair and scalp. The application of ginger not only delays the appearance of gray hair, but it also makes the hair shine.

Against nausea and vomiting

Ginger allows you to effectively fight nausea and vomiting. It also stimulates your appetite through the salivation that its consumption causes. You can consume it in powder, rhizome, or herbal tea.

To read: The benefits of ginger juice

Superb aphrodisiac

Ginger is an aphrodisiac. A study carried out on male rats made it possible to inject ginger extracts into these rats. Serum testosterone levels were increased in these rats.

Therefore, we can conclude that ginger has positive effects on libido.

Anti inflammatory

Recommended for fighting migraines, gout, arthritis, prostate and other sources of inflammation, ginger has anti-inflammatory effects to reduce pain (2).

In case of pain, consume ginger (especially in herbal tea) for a better feeling. You can also consume it even outside of crises to prevent them.

According to testimonials on the forums, treating his osteoarthritis with ginger leads to a marked reduction in pain and spacing of attacks.

To read: 6 reasons to consume ginger

For the health of your lungs

If you use tobacco, chew ginger regularly. Or take it in herbal tea. The active components of ginger effectively cleanse the nicotine that clogs your lungs.

Ginger is a detoxifier and will allow you to purify your lungs. The good health of your respiratory system is assured.

You will need:

  • 500 grams of ginger
  • 1 medium onion,
  • 2 branches de thyme,
  • 1/4 teaspoon of pepper,
  • 1 teaspoon of garlic or 1 clove of garlic

Mix the ingredients well. Add it to your different dishes. This will make it easier to clean the nicotine from your lungs.

The lemon-ginger-honey solution is also recommended to restore your lungs (see our article on the benefits of ginger).

Fat burner

Ginger is recognized for its action in weight loss. I advise you to combine it with lemon for a better effect. Ginger does not contain any trace of cholesterol. It only contains 80 calories per 100g, so very low in calories.

Against hypertension

Combined with garlic, ginger has positive effects in the fight against hypertension.

Against sore throat

Ginger is used in traditional medicines (Asia-Africa) to treat infections related to the throat. Whether it is cough, tonsillitis and others, take ginger in herbal tea.

Especially in winter, it is advisable to consume it regularly to protect yourself from the flu and minor illnesses.

Irritable bowel syndrome

To relieve your pain, consume ginger regularly. Not only will this reduce the pain instantly. But continuous consumption will attenuate, lengthen your crises.

For the protection of the digestive tract

Through its active components, ginger destroys bad bacteria. It is a major antifungal.

Beyond that, you can consume ginger in oral solution either to prevent or to fight against:

  • Inflammation of the stomach
  • Heartburn, stomach upset
  • Bloating and gas
  • Toxins consumed
  • Ulcers

Candidiasis manifests itself by several types of symptoms: fatigue, gastric, intestinal, gynecological and even dermatological problems, sometimes respiratory, accompanied by headaches.

Chemical treatments are not definitive, once they are completed the patient is most often prone to recurrence. The root of Ginger is a powerful antifungal, which helps put an end to candidiasis.

To read: the benefits of the ginger lemon combination

The properties of ginger

This large root has many health benefits. Strengthens immunity by stopping the overgrowth of yeasts. The gingerrols which are present in ginger are treat the intestinal flora and rebalance it. Its anti-inflammatory capacities also help relieve many chronic conditions

Functioning in the body

Ginger is made up of:

  • Gingerol
  • Minerals,
  • Carbohydrates
  • Lipids
  • Vitamins: vitamins C, B1, B2, and B3. The vitamin C contained in ginger disappears when it is dried.
  • Starch
  • protein

Gingerol and shagoal, two antioxidants contained in (3) ginger give it anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic (prevents or reduces the sensation of pain) and antipyretic (fight against fever) properties.

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Use Case

  • It is necessary to consume raw ginger, preferably between meals
  • You can clean and dice it, and daily take 15 grams on average per day, and three slices
  • Boiled, ginger should not be combined with sugar, which would reduce its effectiveness
  • A drink of ginger tea is ideal for small appetites

The fresh ginger used in cooking can be taken at any time. However, do not exceed the limit of 4 grams per day.

For the ginger extracts sold, refer to the recommendations in the package leaflet for more safety. In general, the recommended daily dose is between 500-2000 Mg.


There is no side effect if the ginger is consumed in very large quantities. You can therefore adopt it in your daily diet, while avoiding consuming foods that promote the proliferation of candida albicans


The 12 best antifungals (natural, effective and in your kitchen)

Biotin inhibits the development of Candida

Biotin is effective against the transformation of Candida Albicans present in our body, into yeast that is dangerous for our health. The more Candida Albicans evolves, the more our intestines are exposed to porosity.

Biotin therefore makes it possible to make the immune system more invulnerable, by limiting the development of the germ into mycelium. The intestinal mucosa, necessary to ensure a perfect balance is then preserved. It ensures cell growth, and produces fatty acids

Biotin (vitamin B7) is a vitamin from the complex group of vitamin B. It is sometimes called vitamin “H” from the German expression “haar and haut” (hair and skin).

Remember in simple words that it is these vitamins that convert the food we eat into usable energy for all parts of the body.

The biotin in addition participates in the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. As detailed, you already perceive the benefits of biotin.


Energy galore

For athletes, and those who do activities requiring physical strength, biotin is a ‘must have’ for you. It strengthens your muscles, helps support your muscular and sports activities (1).

Biotin beyond the energy it brings to your muscles, helps rebuild muscle tissue when it is damaged. If you have a tear or any other muscle problem, consider biotin.

Thickness of your hair

If you have thin hair, take biotin often. It actually strengthens the thickness of the strands of hair. It will give it a nice look. Your hair will be stronger, less brittle and healthy.

It is the same for the nails. The lack of biotin results in, among other things, brittle nails. So use biotin to treat your nails. To make them more solid.

Always younger

With biotin, you have years less. You look younger, stronger, better looking, good looking. This is because biotin works on the skin cells to make them look radiant.

Several cosmetic or pharmaceutical products in the fight against cell aging use biotin in their chemical processes.

Reduced blood sugar level

Combined with chromium, biotin B7 is effective in balancing blood sugar levels. It also helps insulin tolerance.

Cognitive functions

Because biotin converts food into energy, it in turn allows the body to have the energy necessary to fuel brain functions, among other things.

As such, it makes it possible to reduce the risks of the appearance of degenerative diseases, in particular Alzheimer’s. It also promotes memory activities.

How it works in your body

The B complex vitamins of which biotin is a part support metabolic activity, brain function, nerve signaling and many other important daily functions.

They also provide energy to the body and support the immune system in general (2). Biotin is also essential in the formation of fatty acid and in the processing of glucose.

In developed countries where people consume calories daily, it is almost unthinkable to have a biotin deficiency. However, prolonged use of anti-seizure drugs or antibiotics can lead to biotin deficiency.

The body’s daily requirement for biotin is quite low (see below). Biotins pass into the blood, but excess biotin is released in the form of urine. Which means that your body does not store biotin. It’s up to you to consume it daily to preserve your immune system.

Use Case

If you want to buy biotin capsules to alleviate your biotin deficiency, buy the higher quality ones. They alone can bring you the benefits of biotin consumed naturally, without chemical and other additions.

Biotin exists in several forms (3) including:

  • The capsules
  • Liquid extract

The National Academy of Science Institute in the United States imposes a margin in the consumption of biotin.

  • 30 Mcg (micrograms) for women and men over 19
  • 35 Mcg for breastfeeding women
  • 25Mcg for teens
  • 5 Mcg for our dear infants
  • 6-8 Mcg for children from 7 months to 3 years old
  • 12-20 Mcg for those 4-13 years old


Several symptoms are linked to biotin deficiency. These are for example:

  • Hair loss,
  • Brittle nails
  • General fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Muscle cramps and pain

You can add biotin directly to your hair cream or massage it into your nails at bedtime. In addition, biotin hardly penetrates the pores when applied to the skin.

This is why doctors recommend taking it orally to take advantage of its effects on the skin.

Some people have reported side effects such as acne.

Also, avoid biotin supplements in case of kidney failure.

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Use Case

  • Consumption of foods rich in biotin should be regular and in sufficient quantity
  • These are usually foods rich in vitamin H
  • Boiled, ginger should not be combined with sugar, which would reduce its effectiveness


Here’s what to consume:

  • legumes
  • soybean
  • lentils
  • wheat germ
  • fatty fish
  • the corn
  • the lawyer
  • the egg yolk
  • carrots
  • the lettuce


The 12 best antifungals (natural, effective and in your kitchen)

First of all, you must distinguish Roman chamomile from German chamomile. They are both beneficial to the digestive tract with some differences.

Roman chamomile costs more because its extraction is more difficult. What we find more easily in the shops is German chamomile.

The benefits

Chamomile has positive effects on the immune system

The immune system always benefits from a boost of energy and renewal thanks to the benefits of chamomile. It has soothing and anti fungal capacities, able to help us overcome intestinal infections and other ailments caused by Candida Albicans.

It stimulates the development of white blood cells, and destroys certain bacteria that cause vaginal infections.

La camomile can be used both externally and internally. It all depends on the shape of candida we are suffering from. But still is it that its soothing virtues will help to regulate the rate of candida albicans in our body.

Helping our digestive tract

For several centuries, chamomile has been used for digestive disorders (1). Whether it is against bloating, constipation, diarrhea, gastric ulcers and several problems related to the intestinal system, chamomile will help you.

This antifungal is also recommended for children to treat colic and other digestive problems.

For regular, fluid periods

Chamomile has a thinning effect, so it is advisable to drink chamomile infusions a few days before your periods and during your periods. It will help to cleanse and thin the periods.

Against influenza states

Chamomile tea is also a good option to spend the winter in great shape. Against fevers, tonsillitis, migraines, flu and any mild illness in winter, I recommend a hot cup with chamomile.

Better to take chamomile tea in prevention of colds and the like if you are sensitive enough.

An anti inflammatory

Internally, chamomile treats inflammation of the stomach. It is also effective against other types of inflammation externally. You can use it as a poultice or use chamomile liquid extracts for massages on the affected area.

Against hemorrhoids

Chamomile will relieve pain related to your hemorrhoids. Because it is an anti inflammatory, because it has calming virtues. It is a plant recommended in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

For best effect, use chamomile sitz baths and apply chamomile creams afterwards.

Against stress and general fatigue

Take chamomile steam baths to get rid of anxiety, stress, and general fatigue. Or pour liquid extracts into your bath and soak in. This study demonstrates the effect of chamomile baths on the body (2).

Functioning in the body

Chamomile contains more than 36 flavonoids and 28 terpenoids, bioactive ingredients that work throughout the body. The elements of chamomile are best preserved with alcohol.

Chamomile is also effective against stomach pain.

It has been possible to state that the activity of the constituents of chamomile inhibits prostaglandin and cyclooxygenase (COX-2) without affecting their constitutive form. Hence the reduction in pain.

Flavonoids, matricin, apigenin and other constituents act as anti inflammatory and antibacterial agents (3).

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Use Case

In general, chamomile whatever the species is harvested green and fresh; when the plant is at the start of flowering. The harvested part is the flower head (base on which the flower rests).

Chamomile exists in many forms, namely:

  • capsules
  • Chamomile powder
  • Huile essentielle
  • In tincture: it is an extract of chamomile mixed with alcohol
  • Lotion
  • In liquid extract
  • In a dried flower head
  • Use in infusion: for infections in the gums and oral cavity in general, slow healing …

Infuse dried flower heads (3 grams of dried chamomile in 100-200 ml of boiling water).

Immerse your compress in it when the water has cooled down and apply it to the affected area.

  • In bath: chickenpox, eczema and all kinds of skin infections, In cases of chickenpox, immerse yourself in a chamomile bath.


The sale of drugs is regulated differently from the sale of supplements. The former are much stricter.

In the case of chamomile, for example, its pollen can be toxic. In addition, chamomile can interact with anticoagulants.

Chamomile can be used by everyone and rarely has side effects. However, first ask your doctor for advice if you have other health concerns.

Use Case

  • En internal use, we can drink chamomile infusions on a regular basis. You will prepare three leaves per cup
  • En external use, chamomile poultices, inhalations are also recommended. A paste of three leaves that will be applied as an ointment on the skin will be of great help

The rutabaga

The 12 best antifungals (natural, effective and in your kitchen)

Le rutabaga is a vegetable which has many medicinal virtues, among which, the restoration of the balance of the intestinal flora.

A rutabaga diet

Consumption of this vegetable is suitable for the candida albicans diet. It is rich in fiber, potassium, vitamins and several other elements.

It is a tuber which has laxative and digestive properties. It is an intestinal disinfectant which will allow the intestinal flora to regain its balance. It is a diuretic at the same time remineralizes the organism. It has a concrete action on the organs where the candida albicans, such as intestine, stomach, esophagus.

The rutabaga is the turnip cabbage we all know. Like any cruciferous vegetable, it is a potent antifungal-among other things. It comes from the cross between kale and turnip.


To lose belly

Full of antioxidants, rutabaga will absorb stored toxins in your abdomen.

The advantage of this vegetable like all crucifers besides is to cleanse the body of heavy metals, toxins, fats. It is a vegetable recommended in diets to lose belly (see our article).

Detoxifying the digestive system

In addition to the candida albican which it traps and whose development it avoids, it is also effective in various new ones. It inhibits the action of various parasites in the stomach. It sucks the fat, and fluidifies our transit.

Since it is rich in fiber, I recommend it in case of constipation. It detoxifies your digestive system.

Anti aging and anti cancer

Rutabaga can be consumed to prevent cancer because it is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. Indeed, it fights against free radicals in your body.

However, the accumulation of free radicals accelerates the aging of the cells of your body and promotes the development of cancer cells. Cruciferous vegetables in general are anti aging, anti cancer vegetables and swede (1) is no exception to this rule.

Against blood pressure and related problems

Because it is rich in potassium, approximately 325 mg / 100g, and rich in water (approximately 90%), rutabaga is a vegetable in the fight against hypertension.

But beyond potassium, being a cleanser itself, its antioxidants will drain excess sodium out of your body.


Against your urinary problems, rutabaga can provide relief. It cleanses your urinary organs and protects them from toxins. It is especially recommended in cases of urinary retention.

Protection of the immune system

Rich in antioxidants, and vitamin C, it gives you energy to support your activities. It is really interesting to take it on a slimming diet because not only will you not feel hungry but it also maintains the balance of your immune system.

In weight loss diets, the immune system can easily take a hit because of deprivation (2).

How it works in your body

It is rich in (3):

  • Carotenoids
  • Vitamin C, K, E and some B vitamins
  • Phytonutriments
  • minerals
  • Fibres
  • antioxidants including glucosinolate

Glucosinolate contains sulfide which will inhibit the action of cancer cells. Which will prevent the development of these cells. The same action is observed for free radicals, the action of which is trapped by the many antioxidants and the sulphide contained in this vegetable.

The vitamin C contained is also important (more than half of the daily requirement). However, this vitamin helps in the production of white blood cells in the body. It also helps in the production of collagen which supports the formation of the epidermis, its restoration …

For the bones

Minerals are the (most important) source of nutrients for building, developing and restoring our bones. Rutabaga has many minerals and in significant quantities. These are for example, zinc, calcium, chromium, manganese …

Use Case

Rutabaga is cooked like potatoes. It can be eaten raw, boiled, au gratin, steamed, fried … Here are some tasty ideas of rutabaga.


  • Wash, peel and cut into pieces 3 rutabaga.
  • In a frying pan, brown a teaspoon of turmeric and a quarter of chopped onion in olive oil. Add a little pepper and salt to taste.
  • Add your pieces of rutabaga to the pan and brown for a few minutes.

You can eat it lightly or well cooked. To make the rutabaga pieces more tender, close your saucepan and reduce the heat.

You can add a few pieces of rutabaga in your soups or on your salads in the case of slimming diets especially.

You can mash rutabaga just like you do for potatoes. Don’t hold back, add some fine herbs or spices for a superb taste. Let your imagination run wild.

It is true that it is also eaten raw, but if you are sensitive, avoid eating uncooked crucifers because it rather bloats. I eat it lightly cooked with spices, and it’s YUMMY.

Use Case

  • It is possible to eat it raw or cooked
  • Your rutabaga can be cooked as a puree, gratin, fries, in a soup or as a stew
  • Just wash your tuber, peel it and cut it. You can also eat it raw


The 12 best antifungals (natural, effective and in your kitchen)

Garlic is an excellent antifungal which has properties which make it possible to fight effectively and durably against candidiasis.

Containing 400 biologically active components, garlic is a food (food-medicine) to always have at home.

Beyond the candidiasis he treats; learn more about garlic’s benefits and how its nutrients work in your body.


Garlic and cardiovascular disease

Garlic contains adenosine which helps dilate blood vessels. It is considered that garlic consumed daily can reduce blood pressure by 10%. Which is enough to reduce cardiovascular events. I think that consuming garlic on a daily basis gives better results (1).

Garlic also contains prostaglandins which have the effect of thinning the blood. This fluidifying action therefore makes it possible to facilitate blood circulation.

According to the WHO (World Health Organization) the action of the components of garlic helps fight against atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is the deposit of fat on the walls of the arteries, making them hard and thin.

The accumulation of fat on the walls of the arteries leads in the long run to cardiovascular accidents. Blood no longer circulates freely to the heart.

Indeed, broken down, the active ingredients of garlic will cleanse and dilute these fats around the walls. It has been found that people consuming garlic regularly develop 3 times less risk of cardiovascular events.

Fight against cancer

In this study conducted in the United States and published on the American medical research site (2), researchers demonstrate the action of allicin on cancer cells.

In the presence of tumors, allicin attacks cancer cells, limiting their lifespan and their proliferation in the body. The study was conducted on several types of cancer including breast cancer, colon cancer.

The subjects were both men and women. This same study also involved rats with cancer. The action of allicin in destroying cancer cells has remained constant.

Functioning in our organism

Garlic is made up of, among other things:

  • Allicin main active component
  • Adenosine
  • minerals
  • Trace elements
  • Vitamins

Allicin is a defense substance against insects and others. Allicin is also present in onion. This that component that gives garlic that strong smell. Allicin has antibacterial and antifungal properties.

When we consume garlic, the allicin it contains breaks down into sulfonic acid. These sulfonic acids react violently on contact with free radicals, destroying them.

In a 2008 study in the United States, researchers Vipraja Vaidya, Keith U. Ingold, Derek A. Patt were able to demonstrate that the many medicinal properties of garlic came from sulfonic acids.

Sulfonic acids do not exist in garlic in the free state. But in the process of food processing by our body, allicin turns into sulfonic acid (3).

Protection of the intestinal flora

In addition to candidiasis, garlic is also very effective against all kinds of microbes, parasites, bacteria. It is effective for the protection of the intestinal flora.

Use Case

Garlic is sold naturally in cloves, powder (dried and ground), and increasingly as a supplement. As supplements, these are extracts of garlic against aging.

Unlike the vast majority of people who can’t stand garlic because of its smell, I just love its smell and taste. And since I’m predisposed to hypertension, I put it in almost all of my meals.

Whether in my dressings, my omelets, in seasonings or various dishes, garlic and pepper are the secret of the good taste of my cooking. Compared to the dish, I add other fine herbs and spices. But the basis is garlic and pepper.

I advise you to eat it cooked if you can’t stand the smell, the taste. Fry it, it also perfumes the cooking.


Consuming garlic on your plate does not cause side effects. Unless you are very sensitive and consume a lot, you may experience bloating if you consume excessively.

However, garlic extracts as a supplement may interact with other medicines that you are taking.

  • Garlic supplements may interact with some HIV drugs.
  • It may also interact with medicines (ciclosporin) given after an organ transplant.
  • Garlic supplement reduces the effect of birth control pills.
  • If you are taking anticoagulants or aspirin, avoid consuming garlic in the before and after time interval.
  • Garlic has a thinning effect, avoid consuming it between surgeries. Otherwise ask your doctor for advice (4).
  • If you have an ulcer or thyroid, ask your doctor for advice.

For breastfeeding women, garlic should be avoided because it changes the taste of breast milk. Your baby will refuse breast milk, be sure. It is the same for the onion.

The 12 best antifungals (natural, effective and in your kitchen)

Use Case

  • Raw: it will suffice to consume three cloves of garlic per day. The easiest method will be to eat them cut or grated in your dishes, just before consuming them.
  • Cooked: you will take three fruits 3 x per day


Garlic treatment is effective when you consume it regularly. By taking the treatment three times a day, you allow its compounds to spread throughout the body.

Tannic acid

Candidiasis is a disease manifested by symptoms of various kinds. Sudden morning sickness, morning fatigue, cravings for sugar and bread, colic, itching and many more.

Tannic acid is extracted from many plants, including oak bark.

The properties of tannic acid

Tannic acid has diarrheal properties, which helps to overcome candidiasis. Indeed, this asset allows it to regulate the rate of candida albicans in the intestinal flora. This, by eliminating the surplus of germ.

This is because diarrhea is often a symptom of candida. As a result, tannic acid puts an end to diarrhea. It is also used in the treatment of many other conditions caused by fungi and other bacteria. It preserves the pH level, reducing inflammation while ensuring general comfort.

Use Case

  • En external use : Boil a tea bag in a cup of water. Let cool and apply to affected organs
  • Internally, you will drink the same solution several times a day

It’s up to you to play and find the best antifungal that’s perfect for you! In addition to being natural, they are not expensive and easily found.


Acide caprylique:


2-http: //


Grapefruit seed extract












3-http: //






3-http: //






Some additional sources

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