To be generous means to be happy


Generosity and generosity make our world a better place. They make the one who receives happier as well as the one who gives. Despite the obvious advantages, such qualities in the modern world are worth their weight in gold. The current society is built in such a way that everyone wants more for himself. Pleasure now lies in possessions, power, sensual pleasures, and the pursuit of luxury. Meanwhile, endless opportunities for kindness and generosity surround us at every turn, every day. In order to stop such a course of events and turn it around 180 degrees, it is necessary, perhaps, to change the worldview a little. However, this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, and there are a lot of advantages.

1. Resources for happiness are unlimited

The competitive “you or you” mindset that is often imposed in the modern world is illogical and inhumane. Let’s draw the following parallel: we kind of imagine a pie (which is limited in size) and if someone else eats a piece, then you get nothing. The more people who want to eat a delicious pie, the less likely you are to eat it. So, very often, we also think in competitive circumstances (if he succeeds, I will end up with nothing), but this is not entirely correct., unlike the pie. Resources expand and grow as society develops.

2. Generosity and generosity increase happiness

Research confirms that by giving, we fill ourselves, become happier, gain meaning. On the contrary, our needs have always included the search for and knowledge of love, caring for others. Those who decide on this search, in the end, find what they are looking for.

3. Changing even one life for the better is worth it.

A generous and open person realizes that solving the world problem together is more real than alone. Perhaps the solution will take a very long time (for example, more than one generation). But this does not stop him from action and his feasible contribution. After all, improving the situation even by a thousandth of a percent, within the limits of one’s capabilities, is already a worthy cause. A real example: volunteering, material assistance (not necessarily monetary, but products, toys, etc., planting trees, etc.).

4. Trust is important

Kindness always involves trust. By investing our time and energy in another, we subconsciously want to believe that. A generous person is optimistic. And optimistic people are happy people because they choose to live with faith in others.

Year after year, a growing body of research points to the positive effects of generosity on mental and physical health. A generous attitude towards others not only reduces stress, maintains physical health, gives a sense of meaning and does not allow you to succumb to depression, but also.

By practicing generosity, we build relationships with the outside world, society and ourselves. Kindness, generosity and generosity encourage us to see people in a positive light, give an invaluable sense of belonging and connectedness. 

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