Testimony of Johanna (Moms 6ter): “It’s just unreal when you are told that there are three”

“Find Johanna in the unpublished season 3 of Les Mamans, from Monday to Friday at 17:10 pm on 6ter”

“I have always dreamed of having a large family because I was an only child. My husband wanted three. We met when we were teenagers and we settled down together as young adults. We wanted children quickly and I had my first at 24 years old. I did not expect to be so sick during pregnancy. I threw up so much in the first three months that I explained to my husband that we would probably only have two children. Not possible to experience it three times! Three years after Dario, we decided to play the little brother or the little sister. I was very sick again, so I knew early on that I was pregnant. I was in such pain that I took a long time to go for the blood test to confirm the pregnancy. After reading the rate on the results, I searched the internet and that’s how I learned that it could be a twin pregnancy. We talked about it in the evening with my husband but we didn’t really believe it. There are no cases of twins in our families. I went for the ultrasound on my own, as my husband stayed with Livio. Between two vomiting, I went to pass this echo in a medical imaging center. The lady jumped when she saw the picture. She was like “Oh-oh! »Then said to me:« I am not an expert but I think there are three ». I looked too and broke down in tears. Everything seemed complicated to me: finances, availability for my oldest child, organization with three babies… It’s just unreal when you are told that there are three. I was in a panic. On the way out, I called my companion who kept repeating: “Three? Are there three? He was less stressed than me.



Not easy to find a moment for me every day

After a short week of depression, I took it very happily. I am proud to have gone all the way, almost to the end, at 35 weeks plus two days. I was even ready for a vaginal birth but at the last moment we had to do a cesarean because one of the babies was in the way. The babies had nice birth weights, up to 2,7 kg! I was able to benefit from a TISF * once a week for 4 hours. But in the end, I don’t find their role suitable for mothers of multiples. For me, it would be better if we had direct help for the household, or a lady who would look after the babies, and not this in-between … In everyday life, it’s very difficult to find a moment for me. Taking care of the children, doing meals, shopping, cleaning… there is no time to pause! At 15 months, children spend a lot of time discovering their world with their mouths. Fortunately, we were able to get places in a nursery. On Wednesdays, the three are kept at the same time, and I can devote time to my elder. This is our moment! ”


* The Technician of social and family intervention: who helps families in case of need.

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