Symptoms of iron deficiency in the body

The human body contains very little iron, but without this mineral it is impossible to carry out many functions. First of all, iron is essential for the production of red and white blood cells. Red cells, or erythrocytes, contain hemoglobin, an oxygen carrier, and white cells, or lymphocytes, are responsible for immunity. And it is iron that helps to provide cells with oxygen and maintain the normal functioning of the immune system. If the level of iron in the body falls, the number of red blood cells and lymphocytes decreases and iron deficiency anemia develops – anemia. This leads to a decrease in immunity and an increase in the risk of infectious diseases. Growth and mental development are delayed in children, and adults feel constant fatigue. According to research by scientists, iron deficiency in the body is much more common than the deficiency of other trace elements and vitamins. In most cases, the cause of iron deficiency is an unhealthy diet. Symptoms of iron deficiency in the body: • neurological disorders: irascibility, imbalance, tearfulness, incomprehensible migrating pains throughout the body, tachycardia with little physical exertion, headaches and dizziness; • changes in taste sensations and dryness of the mucous membrane of the tongue; • loss of appetite, belching, difficulty swallowing, constipation, flatulence; • excessive fatigue, muscle weakness, pallor; • decrease in body temperature, constant chilliness; • cracks in the corners of the mouth and on the skin of the heels; • disruption of the thyroid gland; • decreased ability to learn: memory impairment, concentration. In children: delayed physical and mental development, inappropriate behavior, cravings for earth, sand and chalk. Daily intake of iron Of all the iron that enters the body, on average, only 10% is absorbed. Therefore, in order to assimilate 1 mg, you need to get 10 mg of iron from different foods. The recommended daily allowance for iron varies by age and gender. For men: Ages 14-18 years old – 11 mg/day Ages 19-50 years old – 8 mg/day Ages 51+ – 8 mg/day For women: Ages 14-18 years old – 15 mg/day Ages 19-50 years old – 18 mg/day Age 51+ – 8 mg/day Women of childbearing age have a much greater need for iron than men. This is because women regularly lose significant amounts of iron during their periods. And during pregnancy, iron is required even more. Iron is found in the following plant foods: • Vegetables: potatoes, turnips, white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, asparagus, carrots, beets, pumpkin, tomatoes; • Herbs: thyme, parsley; • Seeds: sesame; • Legumes: chickpeas, beans, lentils; • Cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat germ; • Fruits: apples, apricots, peaches, plums, quince, figs, dried fruits. However, iron from vegetables is absorbed by the body worse than from other products. Therefore, it is imperative combine iron-rich vegetables with foods high in vitamin C: red bell pepper, berries, citrus fruits, etc. Be healthy! Source: Translation: Lakshmi

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