Testicular torsion in children

What to do in case of pain in the genitals?

Pain localized to genitals are not trivial. In order to avoid any irreversible consequences, it is preferable to consult quickly.

Testicular torsion: what is it?

The testicle turns on itself causing a twisting of the spermatic cord which holds and nourishes the testicle. This causes an interruption in the blood supply which can result in loss of the testicle. Testicular torsion results from a defect in the natural fixation of the testicle in its bursa.

What are the causes of testicular torsion?

Testicular torsion can happen at any time, even while sleeping! It most often occurs between the ages of 12 and 18, but it can occur regardless of the patient’s age, including newborns and adulthood. If it is more frequent at puberty, it is in particular due to the rapid increase in the volume of the testicles during this period. Testicular torsion can also affect the fetus. This early damage is usually due to a defect vaginal mating in the mother’s womb which will make the testicles mobile, causing twists on one or both. 

How is the pain of a testicular torsion?

Testicular torsion causes brutal and violent pain. It starts from the testicle and radiates upwards. Many little boys, out of modesty, show the lower abdomen to designate and locate pain. Pain can sometimes be accompanied by vomiting but no fever, at least the first day. Please note: not all testicular pain is testicular torsion. It may be a twist of the pedicled hydatid or, but it is rare, of an orc-épididymite, possibly on occasion of mumps.

How to react when the child is in pain?

It is not necessary not take your child’s complaints and crying lightly. Make it with an empty stomach and go to the nearest hospital.

Torsion of the testicle: what treatments?

The diagnosis will be made after a clinical examination. Very quickly, the doctors decided to the surgical operation (under general anesthesia) which consists of untwisting the testicle, then reattaching it to the septum. Usually, the surgeon does the same for the other testicle to avoid twisting the other side again. Sometimes it is “too late” for the testicle. That is, it has gone too long without being vascularized. In this case, it turns black. The surgeon will then decide to remove it. Know that this one always warns the parents before the operation of the risks related to testicular torsion.

To know : a testicular ultrasound is not necessary in the usual cases. Indeed, it can falsely reassure parents by not clearly showing a twist. In addition, do not waste time making the diagnosis and untwisting the testicle whose vitality is at stake.

After the surgery, is there a special follow-up?

The child will be seen 6 months later approximately in order to ensure proper growth of the testes. A priori, the child will not need to see a urologist the rest of his life!

Does testicular torsion have an impact on fertility?

The testis has two functions: endocrine for sexual development and virilization and reproductive function. During childhood, germ cells gradually develop to become sperm during teenagehood. There is no need to worry testicular torsion does not alter any of the functions of the testicle. If the child has only one testicle, it can completely fulfill its reproductive function if it is healthy.

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