Do I need to take 10 steps a day?

We know we need to be physically active to stay fit, strong, prevent disease and maintain a healthy weight. And the most popular physical activity is, perhaps, walking.

Walking regularly has many health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and depression.

And the best thing about walking, perhaps, is that it’s free. Walking can be practiced anywhere, and most people find it relatively easy to incorporate this type of physical activity into their daily lives.

We often hear that 10 is the number of steps you need to take during the day. But is it really necessary to do exactly 000 steps a day?

Answer: not necessarily. This figure was originally popularized as part of a marketing campaign and has been subject to . But if she pushes you to move more, then this, of course, will not be superfluous.

Where did the number 10 come from?

The concept of 10 steps was originally formulated in Japan ahead of the 000 Tokyo Olympics. There was no real evidence to support this figure. Rather, it was a marketing strategy to sell step counters.

The idea wasn’t very common until the early 21st century, but then Australian health promotion researchers revisited the concept in 2001, looking to find a way to encourage people to be more active.

Based on accumulated data and according to many recommendations for physical activity, a person needs at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week. This equates to about 30 minutes a day. Half an hour of activity corresponds to about 3000-4000 steps at a moderate pace.

The bigger, the better

Of course, not all people can take the same number of steps per day – for example, the elderly, people with chronic diseases and office workers will not physically be able to walk such a number. Others can take many more steps in a day: children, runners, and some workers. Thus, the goal of 10 steps is not for everyone.

There is nothing wrong with setting yourself a lower bar. The main thing is to try to make 3000-4000 steps a day or walk for half an hour. However, they still find that taking more steps is associated with better health outcomes.

Several studies have shown improved health outcomes even in participants who took fewer than 10 steps. For example, it showed that people who took more than 000 steps a day had a much lower risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke than those who took less than 5000 steps.

showed that women who took 5000 steps a day had a significantly lower risk of being overweight or having high blood pressure than those who did not.

, conducted in 2010, found a 10% reduction in the incidence of metabolic syndrome (a collection of conditions that increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke) for every 1000 steps per day.

, conducted in 2015, showed that each increase of 1000 steps per day reduces the risk of premature death from any cause by 6%, and those who take 10 or more steps have a 000% lower risk of early death.

Another, conducted in 2017, found that people with more steps spent less time in hospitals.

So, the bottom line is that the more steps, the better.

Step forward

It is important to remember that 10 steps a day is not for everyone.

At the same time, 10 steps is an easy-to-remember goal. You can easily measure and evaluate your progress using the step counter that is convenient for you.

Even if 10 steps isn’t an appropriate goal for you, try to increase your activity level. The most important thing is to be as active as possible. Aiming for 000 steps a day is just one way to do it.

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