How can eucalyptus oil help?

Eucalyptus oil is widely used in aromatherapy due to its unique aroma and relaxing effect. The oil has been used since ancient times to treat headaches and colds. However, the beneficial properties of eucalyptus are not limited to this. Eucalyptus is added to many toothpastes and mouthwashes. According to a study published in the Journal of Periodontology, eucalyptus oil not only kills harmful bacteria, but also reduces plaque formation. This is due to cineole, an antiseptic in oil that prevents bad breath and bleeding gums. Known for its antibacterial properties, the oil is useful for skin infections, again thanks to cineole. In a study conducted at the University of Maryland, eucalyptus oil was found to be effective for wound healing. The oil has a cooling property when applied to the skin. In addition, the components of the oil have a strong calming effect on the nervous system and muscles. When the oil is applied, blood flows to the affected area, effectively reducing inflammation. In case of headache, migraine or joint pain, try the application. According to the study, the oil strengthens the reaction of microphages (cells that kill infections). In addition, eucalyptus oil contributes to the development of a protective mechanism in human immune cells. According to some reports, eucalyptus oil slows down the progress of diabetes.

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